
fight, don't lose hope

[ noelle ]



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-20-2022, 03:33 AM

It was late. Most of Valhalla was sleeping save for the patrols at the borders...and her. She was having trouble sleeping, and she run out of both chamomile and lavender. But since it was Winter, she was having trouble finding any among Valhallan lands. Perhaps one of the other healers had some spare herbs stored away...but she didn't want to go and bother them awake just so she could try to sleep. She softly sighed as she continued her fruitless search. Things were much harder for her without a second pair of eyes. Though she had managed before joining Valhalla, she still struggled from time to time. Her nose and ears were significantly stronger than her eyesight, but she made do.

Her back was turned to the approaching stranger, but her mind had wandered to places she might be able to find some of the herbs she was looking for. She figured it was worth a shot, but...still. She was unlikely to find much if anything, until Spring. "Lo there?" She startled just a tad, head turning to try and see who it was, and she caught a glimpse of a hulking figure and a fairly interesting accent. She couldn't help the giggle that escaped her at his last few words. "Good evening, sir. I'm a healer with a...well, perhaps not as long a title as yours," Her head tilted to the side so she could try to get a better look at him. Under the moonlight, his coat appeared to be just as pale as hers.
