
Lab Protocol


10-09-2013, 08:29 PM

The young wolf hadn't slept much last night. Maybe it was because he was still getting used to his new surroundings, but he had a feeling it was more because he was hoping to catch Kamala up every night. Her company was surely preferable to most, and he liked the secluded time they had just to talk some mornings. She was a wonderful young wolfess with an intellect that astounded him greatly. It was a shame she was probably off limits being a princess of Seracia and him just being a lowly student. Crucible shook his head dismissing those negative thoughts. He would just have to enjoy the time he was given with her and not pout about what couldn't be.

His paws carried him to a place in Seracia he had not yet been to and it fascinated him. Though it never really took much to perk the young wolf's interest. He knew that if he was to ever be influential in this trivial world of his he had to know all there was to know. The place he was in currently had a smaller type of plant. It was all brown at the moment, but one could see the berries...were they berries? No seeds, still clinging to the odd branches. (ooc* Soybeans) Knocking some of the seeds from their branches he tried to squash them under his paws, but they were too tough. Not knowing whether or not they were poisonous, Crucible knew he shouldn't take them into his mouth, but to say he was highly tempted was an understatement.

Golden eyes scanned the area. It was open and flat. A perfect place to start his lessons. Perhaps King Maverick wouldn't be opposed to being called at the moment. Lifting his nose to the sky, Crucible let out a long calling note. It was beautiful in a way, very fluid and placed somewhere near the middle, but filled with a depression that can only come from being forced out of your home and not seeing one's mother for a very long time as a young wolf. Sitting down on his haunches, he waited patiently to see if his King would come to his call. It was not an urgent message by any means, and conveyed a more 'if you want to' sense about it.