
Shine Bright Like a Sunflower

Healing seasonal - Spring, Y18 (solo)



Intermediate Healer (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (40)

6 Years
Extra small
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-20-2022, 04:22 PM

The skies were calm today, no rain had fallen yet since she had woken up. But the ground was soft from the rains that had fallen a few days before. She sat at the mouth of her den in the plains, peering up at the sky and just enjoying the coolness of the morning before she set to work for the day. She noticed though, that her den appeared to be a little roomier lately...and that her stature seemed a little...smaller. She was quite in tune with her body, and she swore she had somehow lost a couple of inches of the height she had been born with. She didn't know why or what could have caused it, and she would've thought it impossible but...stranger things had happened before. Maybe she'd go and ask one of the pack members if they noticed it, too. That way she could at least get a second opinion and make sure she wasn't just thinking too much into it. Maybe she had always been this short and just...never realized. Whatever it was, she pushed the thought from her mind for now and turned around to disappear into her den for a moment.

She rummaged through the seeds she had collected over the summer season, nosing aside some of her collection until she found what she was looking for. Picking up a small bag of sunflower seeds, she turned and headed out of the den and over to the side of her den. She loved flowers, and with Spring in full, she figured now was a good time as any to plant and grow them. Not only were they one of her favorite flowers, but she could use different parts of it for medicinal purposes. The leaves were good for making into a poultice for arhtiritis, stings, and other minor wounds. The petals she could brew into a tea for sore throats, inflammation, and other benefits she had learned about. Yes, not only would they be some very tall and very pretty flowers once they grew and bloomed, but they'd be incredibly useful to her as well.

Though she was partially blind, she didn't need full-sight to dig a few small holes nor did she need it for gardening. She set the small bag of seeds on the ground beside her, and then she set to digging. Small paws gently worked the softer ground. The day was warming up, offering a break from the rainfall that had started since winters end. It was the perfect time to plant these since sunflower seeds did best when planted in warm soil. She scooped out a hole almost two inches deep, dropped a couple of seeds in, and then moved on to the next one. She scooped out another small hole, dropped some seeds in, and on to the next. It was a repetitive process, but she liked gardening and felt at peace as she worked. She dug each and every small hole and dropped seeds in them until she had no more seeds to plant.

There was a perfect semicircle of holes and seeds around the hillock where she had her den. She was planting them from just beside the mouth of her den, around the back, and over to the other side. That way when they grew and bloomed, her den would be surrounded by big, happy, beautiful yellow flowers. Not only that, but they would surely offer some shade when it got warmer, and she was keen to see the bees and butterflies and whatever else the flowers might attract. They would be way taller than her, so she wasn't worried about disturbing bees or getting stung.

Pleased with her work, she went back around and started to gently fill in the holes and lightly covered the seeds. It took her a few minutes, but when she was done, she sat back and smiled. "They will be absolutely beautiful when they bloom!" She exclaimed to herself, a pleased sigh coming from her lips. It had been a bit of an easy task for her, only because she did not yet have a full garden to tend to. This was actually the beginning of what she wanted to start. In the coming days, she would definitely start working on a small personal garden.

Until then, she had a lot of prep work to do. And the giant sunflowers she had just planted were just the beginning of it. Taking another deep breath of satisfaction, she decided she ought to clean up a bit. She was sure her pale fur was dirty and muddy from her digging, and luckily, she had made her den near one of the small streams that cut through Valhalla's territory. After all, water was very important for her work as a healer...and gardener!

WC: 801
