
Hey Boo-Boo! How About A Pic-A-Nic Basket?

Claire <3


The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
07-20-2022, 06:26 PM

She was patrolling the far side of the new territory they were claiming, simply enjoying the warmth of the day as she did so, thought cleared away as she focused on the mindless task of walking the border and adding scent markers. The monochrome girl was about to head back in to tend to a few other things when she heard a call for backup coming from the other side of the grove. Ears perked, and the fluffy woman raised her head as she looked in that direction. It took her a moment, but the unfamiliar howl soon told her that it was urgent. Moving with more urgency this time, Claire made her way across the territory, leaping over smaller bushes and winding her way around larger ones, until the sounds of a bear and a wolf reached her ears.

As she broke through the shrubbery, her mother's former companion screeched in the air above her and Claire spotted the grizzly as her paws touched the ground. She uttered a loud bark, a message to Tan to go in and do her thing. The goshawk dove in, dropping like an arrow straight for the bear's head, talons reaching out as she sought to aim a stabbing blow at the bear's face as well as offer a distraction. The grizzly roared with pain and anger as it swung at the hawk, but Tan was too quick. Taking advantage of its distraction, Claire raced in and leapt at the paw that had swung for her companion, her jaws clamping shut on the exposed paw, and used her heavier bulk to drag the limb to the ground.
