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[ beau and tanelan ]



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-21-2022, 02:15 PM

Beauregard’s expression softened at Tanelan’s response. He couldn’t imagine what it must be like, to wake up as someone else, to have them in control of you and have them do something different to those you cared about. His mind shifted; he might not understand the illness, or what caused it, but the youth had made up his mind. Tanelan wasn’t Mika. Tanelan didn’t hold Mika’s ideals or values… and he deserved to live happily. Safe. The youth swore to himself he’d do everything he could to help the other male. “Of course we’ll be friends.” He stated it simply; there was no question. Tanelan was a packmate, a friend, and anything other in his mind wasn’t going to be a thing. Mika would be treated differently like the individual he was. He might share Tan’s face, but he would never be the purple wolf he saw now.

His gaze slid to Wren, giving a firm nod of agreement, necessary or not, to her words. He wouldn’t betray Tanelan or Wren’s trust like that. His reports would go to her alone, and they were going to find Tan help. “We won’t let anything happen. Me or Tan.” He spoke with confidence, a fire of determination in his eyes. “Illnesses can be treated…” He murmured to himself. “Any illness I can think of can. This one has to have something that can help, even if we don’t know what can yet.” He smiled a little, his tail wagging back and forth. It was settled; he’d be there for Tanelan no matter what happened.

As Wren mentioned that there was an inventory to fill Beau’s ears perked and his eyes lit up. “Right! It should be pretty close to here, actually!” The boy looked around and then, recognizing some rock formations further in, he darted off. He moved them out of the way and picked up one of the metal medallions he’d found when he was exploring the ship with Torben. There were more of them there now, roughly a dozen or so, and he brought one over to Wren before dropping it at her paws.

“I found these on a big metal thing. It’s called a ship apparently? But they’re made of smoother metal with pictures on them!” He looked between Tanelan and Wren. “Are they useful for crafting? Maybe another pack could find them useful for trade goods?” There was a shine in his eyes as he spoke quickly, tail wagging behind him. Torben had recommended that he bring them back… he just hoped they were as useful as the older wolf made them sound.

"Speech," 'Thought.'