
Who we are




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-21-2022, 02:41 PM

The Gorge was starting to slowly become more and more familiar to Beauregard the more he traversed it. He was certain that in time it would become like the back of his own paw, known inside and out, and he’d know the lay of the land with confidence. Trill was proving useful for that as well, helping him figure out good landmarks and whatnot he could use. Today’s adventures, which was traveling a path through the gorge he’d made for himself, were cut short when Mercury’s call sounded for him. The male had expressed at the meet and greet that he’d want to talk to both him and the Armada lady, Gossamer, to gather information on where their skills stood. Well, no, Beau scolded himself. She wasn’t just “the Armada lady”. She was an ally, and soon to be part of their pack as well.

A response howl was given before Beau was set off. A sort of “I’m coming!” response. The yearling was certain he’d have to check in on Tanelan after he finished with Mercury. He’d been with him in the morning but he was trying to make sure Tan still knew he wasn’t a slave to the pack. He was a friend, an ally too! He wanted to make Tanelan feel more at ease with things and show that Beau really did want to be a friend.  

His soft blue gaze fell on Mercury as he approached. He moved calmly, ears perked forward with a smile on his face. “Good day!” The boy barked. He came to a stop, tail wagging slightly behind him. “Hope your morning was pleasant?”

"Speech," 'Thought.'