
World so cold


10-09-2013, 09:08 PM

Dempsey sat quietly in the back of the den. His eyes were closed and his thoughts broiled. He could barely keep the worry out of his facial features. There was no reason to scare the pups. Three of them had stayed behind when their mother had gone off to fight, but he would have preferred all of them to stay behind. He did not like pups being exposed to such violence so early in their lives, but their mother seemed to be okay with it and he would not refute her on this. They were hers after all not his. Dempsey's ears were pricked and he was aware of each pups place in the den even though his eyes remained shut.

The fight Alena had gone off to had not been a very promising one and his heart pounded at the thought of losing her. This was a new feeling for him, and he was astounding by his need to care and to know of her safety, but it was not something that drew his focus at the moment. Rather he was reliving his encounter with this wolf Canttina. She was insane, off her wagon, deranged, and cruel, oh so cruel. Alena would be lucky to win this fight for sure. There was a difference between a sane wolf fighting another of the same mental capacity, but to fight a wolf with no fears or rational thought was a different ball game all together. Dempsey wished it was a ball game. Those fights couldn't result in death.

A familiar scent caught his nostrils. Lel and Jian were arriving back at the den. Platinum eyes flew open as they tumbled over each other. When Jian spoke with urgency, Dempsey's face darkened. No, this wolf was not one you wanted to anger. There would have been no reason for the pups to come to the battleground if Alena had won, and so Dempsey was certain that she had lost. Holding back a snarl of anger, he looking to the two exhausted pups."You've done well, but we must hurry." Walking outside of the den, he shook the sleep out of his limbs. "We need to move faster than you all can run, so I will ask that the three of you who were with me climb on my back. Grip with your paws and with your teeth. Don't worry about hurting me dears, this old wolf can handle whatever you little ones deal out." He flashed a quick smile at them to alleviate some of their worries. He just hoped none of them noticed it didn't reach his eyes. "Jian and Lel I will carry you."

the large grey brute lowered himself to the ground so that the pups could climb on, then he scooped Jian and Lel up into his mouth. Once he was sure everyone was secure he took off running, needing to see to Alena as soon as possible. He also knew it must be dangerous being in their home right now. With that thought his legs carried him even faster.

ooc: If this is too much pp let me know and I'll revise it.
