
Mummy's And How To Make Them

Iki, Scylla, Keelin, Irilyth Healing Lesson


07-22-2022, 01:21 AM
Keelin sat back and watched as the others took their turns with Scylla going after her and making a show of her displeasure at this scenario and activity they were performing. Watching Scylla as she glared and tightly wrapped her assigned limb made Keelin smirk and have to bite back a chuckle, remaining on her best behavior as she remained quiet and observant throughout the rest of the activity. Ikigai seemed to take pity on the blue-hued boy and was more kind and gentle with her wrappings—and adjusted Scylla's as well. Satira took her turn last with a very detailed explanations of what she was doing, Keelin nodding along as she watched.

Eventually they were all done with their wrappings, leaving Ricin immobile with his bandages. She grinned a little as he recommended that Scylla have less glaring at her patient next time and couldn't help but think of all the times she had ended up glaring at Merrick while she was healing him because he made some reckless choice that had gotten himself hurt. He then asked them to come inspect one another's work and untie him. She did just that, getting up and walking over to him to inspect Scylla's handiwork. "This seems good to me. The tightness would probably be very beneficial had this been a real broken limb. And, in fact, I think glaring at the patient can be helpful depending on how they got themselves hurt," she said with a grin and a chuckle as she started unwrapping the bandages, freeing Ricin's limb before she moved away again so the others could take their turn.
