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Ikigai, Venom, Deimos



Master Fighter (260)

Advanced Hunter (90)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

8 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Observation!Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-22-2022, 02:12 AM
Deimos had made the trip to the territories that his sister had claimed as her own along with Ikigai and her mother, continuing to take the opportunity to make a good impression on the pair as they went. He was fairly certain he had never been as well behaved as he had been since accidentally crossing paths with the Ashen princess, but he had high hopes that it would all be worth it in the end. Really, it had been easy to play the role of respectable, polite, and kind brother to the woman that they already knew and respected. They were easy to talk to and continued to prove why his sister had taken an interest in them as well. Manea had always been the brightest and most responsible of the lot of them which was why she had been an easy choice for their matriarch after their mother's betrayal and why he so easily trusted her judgement, but even aside from that he was able to make his own decisions and had taken quite a fondness over Ikigai and Venom both in the short time he had spent with them in Ashen before the trip and through the journey to Elysium.

When they reached the border he spotted his sister's familiar and distinctive pelt of amethyst and violet and an even more genuine grin than he had worn in a long time pulled across his features. His tail wagged gently behind him as his little sister crossed over to greet him, chuckling at her description of him as the "stray". "You knew I had to catch up to you eventually," he said with a light laugh while he returned her embrace, hugging her tightly for a moment before she pulled back to play hostess to the two Ashen ladies. He followed just behind Venom and Ikigai as they followed Manea across the open plain that was dotted with large rocks and over the land bridge that connected them to the island that seemed to be the center point of his sister's pack. As they walked he occasionally let his aqua gaze linger on Ikigai's rump and the slight sway of her hips, his eyes trailing down her long, silken tail whenever he was sure no one was paying attention to him. She was stunningly gorgeous and he was simply reminding himself of what he would be missing out on if he didn't try to convince Manea to make the swap from Poe being her promised husband to having him marry her instead.

Once they were on the island and gathered around a warm campfire he smiled to Venom and Ikigai with a dip of his horned head. "I apologize for stealing Manea away so soon, but would you mind if I talk with her for just a moment?" He led Manea a short distance away then, just out of earshot of the Ashen royalty. With his back to them so they couldn't read his lips, he gave his sister a smile as he said quietly, "I want her. Ikigai. She's who I want to be my mate." He could tell from the look on Manea's face that he had caught her off guard and she was very clearly trying to keep her expression from showing it, but he knew her well enough to see through it. It had been a long time since he had been with her, but nothing really had changed. "I know she's promised to Poe, but we both know she deserves better. She deserves to have her children be from the Matriarch's bloodline." Just as he did what he could to manipulate Venom and Ikigai's opinion of him, he could play into Manea's view of things as well. "Wouldn't you rather her be your sister-in-law than cousin-in-law? She's everything I've been searching for. After all these years of searching I finally found my perfect mate and she's promised to someone else. Please, Manea... For me?"

"Deimos Mendacium"