
Buzz Buzz

Aliana & Revenant



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (75)

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay
07-22-2022, 10:37 AM
Morendo didn't relate to his brother's displeasure at being recruited to help their mother build her hives so when he rolled his eyes Morendo simply looked forward again toward their mom to continue following her out to one side of the island. He was fairly glad that they were getting close to where the build would take place when Rev asked about it and their mother assured her it wasn't much farther only because it was quite hot in the Auster summer sun and he was eager to get back to their compound and into the shade. He glanced up occasionally at Bolero as he fluttered one way and another over head, listening to his chirping and song to pass the time as they continued to walk. Eventually though, he noticed the smell of fragrant flowers and it pulled his attention back down to the garden they were approaching and he spotted the lumber that was clearly set aside for the purpose they were here for.

Their mother in her usual chipper, lively way explained what they were going to be doing and why the bees played an important role in the growth of their garden and plants on the island. He nodded with understanding and then looked to the boards she indicated to start with. After their mother had picked up a board and started dragging it over to her selected spot, he did the same, though he didn't have to drag the board to where he needed to go. He lifted it and carried it to another open area, giving some space between where his mom had sat hers and where his could be built near a patch of daffodils. He didn't know if it mattered how far apart the hives were built or not, but he figured giving the bees more room to roam couldn't be a bad thing. With that done and decided on he looked back to their mom, waiting for the next instruction.

"Aliana & Morendo"