
through the mist

[ caelia ]



Advanced Intellectual (95)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

8 Years

The Ooze ParticipantUnderachieverSnake EyesBeeventVolcanoChristmas 2019
07-22-2022, 01:38 PM

Torben's answer was a straightforward one, which she definitely appreciated. Caelia didn't like the thought of not knowing the intentions behind the wolves that chose to call Valhalla their home; he admitted he'd been drawn here because he'd be allowed to leave if it didn't suit him. It wasn't at all surprising that Ardyn had chosen to run the pack similarly to how his mother had, with honor and dignity. She nodded understanding. "Some packs aren't so quick to let you leave, you're right," she mused thoughtfully over his words. "But Ardyn is a fair ruler, and Valhalla a good home. I'd be surprised if you wanted to leave." Though the choice was always there. Though she didn't know him well she sounded quite confident in her assessment.

Though she didn't believe in gods herself, she recognized the concept. Perhaps her ancestors had believed in such things; she had no way of knowing. She knew Aurielle had renamed Celestial to Valhalla after the pack her great-grandmother had run, and before that by Caelia's own ancestors, though the origin of the name itself she knew less about. "I can only guess that the original founders of Valhalla either believed in the same gods you speak of, or simply borrowed on the concept. I'm not sure which." Maybe that was sacrilegious to do? Caelia didn't know much about religious concepts, though she figured if such a thing offended Torben he wouldn't have chosen to stay here at all. "I do believe that was what the original founders of the pack intended. A place for friends and family alike to grow and thrive together." She shrugged. It seemed a fitting comparison, but who was she to say?