
The Cloud Princess

Aliana x Chimera daughter adopt



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! UnderachieverSnake EyesVengeance
Pride - Bisexual
07-22-2022, 02:01 PM
OOC Name: Lolaf
Character Name: Atia
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Apperance: Design 4

Atia will never quite reach the towering heights of her father, in fact, she's much more clearly close to Aliana in build. The girl will only ever grow to be 23 inches tall, and she'll never quite grow out of being small. Her frame isn't quite delicate, but her edges are all round and give her a sort of soft cute look, it's almost disarming how little of a threat she appears at first glance, hardly a threat of strength to be found on her though clearly, she is not dangerously small. Simply... Cute.

The girl's pelt is thick and plush, but it's texture is not usually the first thing others will notice instead it's the monochromatic splattering of markings that cover her. While hardly brilliant the girl is still pretty to look at. Her pelt is a mottling of greys, some more white, others more blue-grey, and others still darker and ashy, it'd be very hard to guess as to what coloration makes up the bulk of her pelt. But that's not the only colors the girl wears. Her face has a black mask that covers the front of her muzzle and spreads out up her face to encompass her eyes and end just slightly above her brow bone. The underside of her body is mostly actually white in coloration, brindling up her limbs, stomach, and neck, with the edges of her rump, cheek fur and the whole of her tail a snowy color, this same coloration marks a blaze over the black of her face. Finally, her ears are a spotted combination of the same black and white that marks her face.

Burning bright in that dark mask are a mismatched pair of eyes, the left being a light turquoise color while the right is a deep violet.

Personality: A little hellion. Atia lives for mischief, she's usually not malicious but it's obvious the most important thing for her is her own amusement. As a child, she won't hesitate to pester anyone within arms reach and will take rules as a sort of challenge at least while she's still quite young. Her childlike curiosity will almost certainly get her into trouble. Her mind is a sponge and she wants to understand everything. Questions will be just as likely to fall from her lips as playful teasing is.

As she grows Atia will become something of a hedonist, while certainly as an adult that will include more carnal pleasures they will not be the only pleasures she seeks. Thrills, fights, new wolves she can mess with, or even just a new joke she's never heard, Atia will be primarily preoccupied with a desire to avoid boredom, in fact, it is the thing she loathes the most. She cannot handle the feeling of being bored, of being stuck, mundanity is her worst enemy and once she has the freedom Atia will find herself drawn to ranging far and wide to chase away the possibility of the usual chasing her, new knowledge and new experiences always on her mind. Often times this will mean that she may not consider others when it comes to her actions, and will not care much for how her actions affect strangers.

It may seem that due to her proclivity for never staying in one place too long that she is flakey, even malicious, but when someone has earned the girl's affection they will find she's more than loving and willing to sacrifice parts of herself for them. She cares deeply for her family in particular and strives to prove herself as a valuable member, even if she struggles with routine and chafes under it.

Skills: Intellect & Navigation
Potential plots, plans, etc.: Bit of a trouble maker but one with strong ties to her family. I imagine as an adult she's likely to be someone who often dissapears on adventures but will always find her way back, because ultimately there's no place like home.
[Image: lQPmFy0.png]
 Recluse is an M rated character, thread at own risk.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.