
think about it

[ ghoul ]



1 Year

Pride - Bisexual
07-22-2022, 05:15 PM
He forces her to look at him.

Edelweiss feels the beginning of embarrassment. His nose touches her chin and drives it up, but all she can think about is why. Why did she say these things? Why would he even glance her way, if he had a pack and family? She was a vagabond, a nobody... But his words cause her to start gently, and as much as she fears them she also hopes for them. Ghoul speaks. It's his turn. She must listen to him.

"You are a fool."

But her words do not carry malice or hate in them. They are weary, tired but also somewhat amused. Edelweiss lifts a brow to him, and otherwise, an emotionless expression replaces her features. Her voice carries like a knife, even if she is not intending to drive it deep into his chest. No, she is wary about dancing. She never was a very good one. He says he could fail her, and if so she was free to leave. If she didn't like it, she could leave.

But that was not why he was a fool.

"I do not like someone who has no aspirations" she said finally "and I would be a selfish one indeed if I allowed you to walk away from your crown" True, she did not know how important these proverbial crowns were... But if he was ambitious enough to want to become a ruler... Surely, he had need of a queen one day? Ah, she would not get ahead of herself "but are you sure... if I joined Habari, I would not slow you down?" Or distract him from his goals? She bit back more words, instead focusing on the important parts.

"You did not acknowledge my test, Ghoul" Edelweiss continued as he drew near, pressing his nose against her own "I thought you were smarter than that" her eyes twinkled with some amusement "it is fine to throw everything away for... whatever this is. But others? They do not have much to throw. You have a lot. You would indeed be a fool to throw your shot at a kingdom away for a girl you barely know." Different or not. Happy it made her hear those words, she had to think of him.

"If you promise to try to spend time with me and tend to your duties... Then I shall join Habari."

"she speaks"