
outside of bounds

4x predator fight, armada or other



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-23-2022, 04:48 AM

If three was a party then Beau was certainly surprised when more wolves joined the fray. As he shifted, keeping an eye on where the head of this blubbery mass was, he caught a familiar fur pattern out of the corner of his eye. A quick double take confirmed that it was Wren, his alpha-to-be, and a bit of pride swelled in Beauregard’s chest. Heck yeah, now this thing was really going down. He focused his attention back on the wound he created and, remembering his fight with Mika, figured attacking where the beast was already injured was a wonderful idea to cause more pain… and more bleeding. It seemed too big to bring down outright but maybe, with all of them attacking it like this, they really could bring it down. What felt like a maybe before felt more like a possibility. They certainly had a large enough team, right?

The girl who they had rushed in to save was certainly doing her part now. She had made her way to the back of the walrus, much like Beauregard had the bear he’d fought with that one woman, and now was doing what damage she could. Oh boy, now it was really moving! Seeing her start for the wound he’d already inflected Beau realized she had the same thought he had.

Hmm, yeah!

That was it! With Wren nipping at it, and the man who had been at the tail now keeping the beast occupied in the front, Beau dove in again. His knife could cut at the thing, and create some entry points for the fangs of the other two to do some deeper damage. With the knife clasped in his jaw, Beauregard rushed in headlong, this time more reckless than before, slashing at the flailing, angry beast wildly as it focused on the wolf right in front of it. First one slash, then two, cutting in as deep as he could before he hopped off towards its back end, hoping to deliver a similar round of slashes there as blood started welling up from the ones he’d already inflicted.

His gaze shot towards the girl on the thing’s back - Hopefully he’d left the cuts high enough she’d be able to get to them. If not her, then Wren surely would get the gist of what he was trying to do.

A call on the air told him Trill had arrived too.

Yeah, this beast was going down in a bad way.


2 / 3 Large Predator Fight; Walrus

"Speech," 'Thought.'