


10-09-2013, 11:06 PM

Oddity was hurt and sore all over from his challenge. He had failed, but it didn't entirely plague his mind since he had challenged something far beyond his control. It had seemed like the blind pleasure of being in love had tripped him, in the hopes that the other end would love him back. That was never possible, and he would never convey his feelings. With war approaching, he was foolishly entering the scene with wounds scattered over the front of his body. A nose that was currently not working in scent wise, and a chest that was scabbed over in blood. His scar on his left shoulder reopened, and making a small cross marking that might as well be re-scarring over. He looked to carry it with a sense of pride, but his head was lowered, and just behind his head was his ears slightly lifted. Defeat was not something to be proud of, and in his eyes he was lucky to be alive, what he regretted, was nothing due to his sense of self worth in the back of his head. He was simply worried of being no use to Isar any longer.
He stood on the outside of all the wolves, his two different colored eyes glittering with no emotion. He was utterly broken down to the core from emotion, and stripped of his well being. What he saw in Isar was the same as he saw in his father, but this time his desire to kill him was non existent. It was better not to think for himself, it was better to just assume he was here for his benefit. It would protect him the longest from the great blackness, that or it would pull him into it quicker. Either way, the look in his eyes was glazed over, and it looked like he had been dead from the beginning. Something fairly deafening inside him had snapped, that was for sure.
