
Kill the World With Whatever it Takes

Fighting seasonal



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
07-23-2022, 04:08 PM

Brida had slapping the living daylights out of her opponent. Whoops. She hadn't meant to slap her so hard, and honestly, had expected the other yearling to...well...she wasn't sure. Dodge it? Swing her head away? Assume her own aim was bad and her paw would actually miss? But nope. Brida's heavy, bear-like paw had swung true and landed smack dab on the side of the other girl's head with enough force and momentum that it had sent the girl practically sideways and shifted her whole body away from Brida.

The blue yearling gasped with surprise, and she even flinched a bit in a sort of "Oh fuck, my bad" look. That looked like it had hurt. alot. Good thing she had kept her claws from making contact, otherwise, the damage would have been a lot worse and she wasn't looking to severely damage or scar this poor girl. Still, the other yearling had taken a step back to compose herself, and during that time Brida replanted her paw to the ground, and almost as soon as she did, her opponent had exploded without warning.

She probably should've kept herself prepared and aware, but she had felt so bad about smacking the girl across the face, that she had let her guard down a bit. March got exactly what she wanted, even causing Brida to stumble back as she yelped in surprise. Not only that, but where Brida had the brawn, March had more speed. She had been able to bite Brida in her intended target.

It took her a moment to recover, teeth-gritting through the pain of her opponent's teeth and she could feel the blood escape the wound, but in a last-ditch attempt, Brida reared on her hind legs - uncaring if she made her wound worse - and sought to throw her forearms around March's neck in a tight bear hug. She sought to hug the other girl so hard, that she'd be gasping for air while her mouth was pushed further into Brida's body. Suffocating.

Apology hugs were a thing, right?

WC: 343 - Total wc: 1,621/1500
