
What You Don't Know



7 Years
10-10-2013, 01:30 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

As Destruction informed her that the relationship she had had with Bane had been minimal at best, and that he had known little of his son, Tahlia felt a strange, inexplicable twinge of sadness for her mate and husband. She had seen the way he had tended to Alena's pups from the mouth of her den when they were born, had spoken with him countless times on how they would raise their children together. She held every certainty that he would make a wonderful father, and was certain now that, had he known, he would have played a more important role in the life of this child that had been lost.

She said nothing of it, however, merely watched the other wolf with a pensive expression as assurances were placed that no ill will was harbored to either of them and thanks were given for listening. Tahlia nodded her head once more, somewhat distracted, and muttered the simple phrase, "Thank you," once again just before the dark colored she-wolf turned and left.

For a short time, the russet and black mother remained upright and staring out of the den, contemplating what she had been told. It seemed there was much more to the life of her husband than she had first thought, perhaps even more trysts than she was presently aware of. It bothered her, having to find out like this, there was no denying that, but since their mateship had become official she had seen nor heard of any escapades that post-dated their union. And she hoped they would be none.

Mind full of buzzing thoughts, too numerous for her to simply roll right over and attempt sleep again, she instead sighed and stretched to rest her chin upon an outstretched foreleg, letting them consume her for a time.

-Exit Tahlia-