
If you love me let me go Cause these words are knives that often leave scars

The fear of falling apart And truth be told I never was yours


"Helen of Koi"


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Master Navigator (245)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

7 Years

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Halloween 2020 - Haunted House1KBeevent
07-24-2022, 04:26 PM

Hanako slept soundly enough, comfortable but not at home amongst her surroundings. She had no idea how the raid went, didn't know if the Pirates won or lost and she couldn't say she cared. Didn't matter much to her in the end. It was hard to cling onto her bitterness, being angry day after day was far more tiring than you'd think and now she just sort of felt...flat. All out of juice. Not quite like she'd given up, given in, but inching closer. Perhaps adapting to her new normal.

Startled awake by the door opening, Hanako groaned and hid her face beneath her paws. Still groggy with sleep she didn't catch the meaning of Sparrows words at first, took a moment to sink in, real deep before her eyes snapped wide, paws dropping like lead.

It was what she wanted of course, had been chomping at the bit for but-it felt so anticlimactic. Like it had all ended with a wet thud, unimpressive, like all of this had been a massive waste of everyone time. All the risks and actions meant nothing in the end. And...Hanako felt strangely offended. Like she wasn't worth the effort after all, tossed away to float to the bottom of the ocean. Forgotten and unwanted.

Hanako pushed herself to her paws, her expression a grimace of sorts. Nose wrinkled and ears flicking back, threatening to flatten but not quite there yet.

"What's wrong with you?" It was an accusation. Cause for one there was something very wrong with Sparrow, both in actions and words. Not right even if Hanako couldn't quite put her paw on it yet.
[Image: dfvjf24-4160f57c-3b2d-47de-b3e1-aa34987f...SqQlFNW-eM]