
The Armada Family


10-10-2013, 02:22 AM
Original Name: Aleida Armada.
Chosen Name: Abelinda Armada. Beautiful Serpent.
Alignment: Neutral Evil/Chaotic Evil.
Brief History: Once her father died, Abel had left the lands she once called home in a search to find her beloved brother. Not wanting to do with her mother or those within the pack; they were boring not being of any interest to the dame.
Chosen Adoptable: First one shown here.

Plans: To find her brother and rule beside him for the time being; creating chaos for any who oppose them.

Appearance: Elegant and beautiful; lacking a powerful build yet rather then find weakness in such Abelinda found strength able to out run and even out maneuver those who maybe larger then her. Standing twenty nine inches at the shoulder and weighing in at eighty six pounds the dame was proving to be on the smaller scale of things then most of her family. That long silken soft fur tainted in a light slate blue when extended out to the whole of her body only being stopped and darkening in a few places; around her eyes a noticeably darker blue which boarders on a dark black can be noted proving to bring out her eyes as it weaves it's way down either side of her muzzle before stopping until nearly reaching the nose proving to branch outwardly just slightly before it ends. A strip settles it self across the top of the muzzle from left to right where it branches off on the top of the muzzle just enough to give a pointed tip aiming towards the forehead. This darker tainted fur works it's way up her long powerful legs, the back legs proving to work it's way up onto the top part of the legs stopping just as it meets her under belly. The front socks weave it's way up from the toes and up the legs before seemingly covering the chest region where it lightened slightly; up from there it went from her shoulders dominating from her forehead and ears down to her lovely rump.

Personality: A soft spoken witch with the kiss of death. Imagine a being so damn crafty, and sinister wrapped into the mere form of a Wolfess. A poisonous elixir. A siren singing a song of deception and lies to unsuspecting sailors. Many will find her frighteningly beautiful. Abelinda takes after her mother's seductive nature, and her father's dark aura. As stated above, soft spoken. Her voice is a sultry sound, almost like a distant whisper in your ear. Most have even described her as a serpent. Orange coils wrapping around your throat, controlling your very life in a painful and frightening hold. Flickering it's tongue, and hissing webs of lies into your conscious. A being who enjoys getting into your mind, manipulative and persuasive. The inner mechanisms of your mind only excite her even more. Tearing your mind apart piece by piece seems to have become a hobby of hers. Though driving you utterly insane isn't the only thing that fascinates this woman.. she adores using her natural sex appeal to get what she wants. It's made her a bit arrogant these days. But don't take her as being a lucid whore, she's more of a tease than anything. She loves men, as well as woman. Abelinda is bisexual. She's the rebellious type, and doesn't exactly like being ruled over. But she doesn't make that known. Come to think of it, Abelinda isn't an entirely dark being. She seems to posses some fair quality's about her. Such as being viciously protective of beings who she some how fancies. Abelinda has the ability to love. But it's a hard, cold love. A love that no one besides herself would understand. Misunderstood? Possibly. Though don't expect to win her respect on the spot. It must be earned, along with trust. Breaking a bond such as trust with Abelinda isn't always the brightest idea. The outcome of that wouldn't be good, for you that is. Abelinda knows that shes bad.. and she also knows that shes perfectly good at it. Has wicked ever looked this good?