
Discount Pirate Pups!




Rapid Poster - SilverPride - Asexual
07-24-2022, 09:17 PM (This post was last modified: 08-18-2022, 10:07 PM by Lackadaisy. Edited 10 times in total.)
Due Date for Applications is August 14th!
NOTE: Designs have been added with more to come!
The other pups in the litter are RPed by Dragon (Diablo) and Daisy (Baelfire)

For the applications, we are giving you a chance to do a PRIVATE versus PUBLIC adoption application. You must PM Lackadaisy and Dragon's accounts (both! Not just one!) or use a Google Doc for PRIVACY and send it to us. Of course, if you want to make a Public application, you are free to post on this thread. Thank you!

Eden has fallen pregnant during her heat season after spending a night with Ignis. Before then, he had force claimed her and taken her to Pirate’s Plunder as a trophy. They are not in love, and no love is lost between them currently… But if you are interested to see if the pups fuel the flames of passion or drive a wedge between them - consider trying out! Ignis has had two litters before now, (He has an extremely strained relationship with the first litter, and the second litter is unknown to him) and this is Eden’s first. This will be the only litter of both raised by two parents.

They’re here folks! The Ednis pups AKA the discount pirate pups! Firstly, Dragon and I want to thank those trying out. For those who aren’t that confident in public trying but want to, consider the above option and DM me and Dragon your Google Doc Application. For the sake of sensitive eyes, I will be the first one to say these pups will probably be subjected to sensitive topics. Things such as mental illness may very well come up, considering Ignis’ disorder.

We will never, however, due to personal triggers be okay with rape and incest. These are not the forefronts of the Ednis pups. It is not welcomed in Dragon and I’s RP world.

And any kids born from Ignis who are icly discovered to be going around raping and committing incest, will be dealt with by Ignis, regardless of what litter they are from! This can range from a variety of minor to major maiming (castration if male, partial/full blinding, removal of appendages, etc.), to potential deathmatch depending on the circumstances and severity of the crime! Ignis has stood firmly against these things, and does not want a repeat of Elias! This is your warning, and by applying you are accepting these terms!

Let’s move on!

These pups will be raised in Pirate’s Plunder by two parents. We will likely only adopt out one pup, however, we are tentative on two, and that depends on you fine folks and your apps.


Activity Requirements:
We prefer people who are active, participating, and friendly enough to talk to. We know you have a life but if you take this pup you must post at least 3 Times a Month with them. This is just because the family activity will be high! We want you to be involved as a pup’s player. We want to see you develop and gain ranks, friendships, etc. Please let us know about Absences, etc. If you are unable to post or want to drop them, please also let us know! We will gladly seek another player. No skin off our back! Also, if you are inactive for 1 In Character Season (Two Months) we have the right to reclaim the pup! Also, if they are SET inactive by you; we have a right to reclaim them!

We also want to see inclusion, and a willingness to RP with all members of the litter! Along with the parents, of course.

Please note:
Topics such as abuse may come up in the Ednis pups’ lives. Eden is a captive of Ignis, and he isn’t going to be letting her go. Ignis is a rated mature character and has schizophrenia and disassociate personality disorder. There is a good chance one or two pups will inherit the Praetor Demon. We will be looking for mature and understanding pup players to be realistic with this disorder, and not lord it around like an excuse for what they do. Evil does exist, but this is also a family. Pups cannot hate their parents automatically. Pups cannot be evil right away. Bickering will happen, and rivalries made. Hell, Eden may try to leave a few times and be stopped. We ask that you are mature and realistic with the story. For example; making jokes about spousal abuse in gen chat is not okay despite it happening to your character’s parents.

Can be anything fire/associated with european or latin names/earth related. Please provide name meanings when applying!

25% off Odd Colored Markings (Green), Abnormal Color (Red)
25% off height up to 42 inches, Can Inherit Deer Antlers and Dire Height
You are free to add other items, etc.


Please remember that designs provided belong to the original owner of the design (Dragon or Daisy), and are absolutely not to be used outside of Ardent!! If the character is reclaimed, the design goes with it! Applicants are welcome to provide their own designs, however! Please have a 1st AND 2nd choice of design! If players agree, twins are a possibility.

6, 7, 8
22-26 [top left to bottom right, EXCLUDING center bottom design]

Copy and paste the following. Please only audition on your OOC account.
[b]OOC NAME;[/b]
[b]Name of Pup;[/b]
[b]Name Meaning;[/b]

Please include a design reference, height, and build. Along with things that you are purchasing for the pup.

[b]Skills;[/b] What are their skills? You can change down the line!
[b]Personality;[/b] Remember, different mental illnesses run in the Praetor line (Aka the Praetor demons)
Site minimum length

Any plans, hopes, dreams? it's ok to have no formal plans; things change!