
Raindrops Turn To Waterfalls

Hunting Seasonal w/ Lotus



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
07-24-2022, 11:03 PM
Emerald gaze looks to the tall, lanky boy, uncertainty hiding in the corners of her eyes. The run has drained Terra, her energy reserves are depleted and hopelessness starts to tug at her mind. There are deer that share the hill with them but the earthy girl is too tired to take one down by herself. The icy male speaks of her being quick and the black-masked wolf lifts her head off her paws to tilt it uncertainty at him. What is he going on about? The mischief that swirls in the boy’s light blue eyes has her brows furrowing and, when he shouts for her to ‘catch’, it only adds to her confusion.

He races away, leaving the befuddled Terra in his wake but, when he races around the herd, the earthen wolf quickly understands. Gathering her long legs under herself, a slight tremor present in her limbs but determination suddenly blazing in her eyes, she readies herself to ‘catch’. The icy male splits the herd driving one deer straight for her. Willowy form moves, long legs devouring the distance between her and the promised meal. The deer’s eyes roll, body tries to move to the side to avoid the long-legged woman but there is no room, no where it can go.

Teeth flash in the stormy air and fall upon the prey, pulling a leg out from under it before she moves to its throat, opening it without hesitation. Terra looks to the stranger, back hunching as her instinct to protect her kill comes out. Emerald eyes meet his light blue gaze and the black-masked girl relaxes her body, the fact that he had helped her get the meal earning him a small amount of trust. Looking to the boy, she hesitantly asks, “Join me?” Despite her mind yelling at her to keep all the food for herself, Terra moves to make room for the taller boy should he wish to join her.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag