
Pirate Pups! (CLOSED!)

Sparrow x (not) Hanako


"I'm just happy to be here"

13+ Years

Pride - BisexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023ContributorCoder - GoldEaster 2022Artist - Silver
Rapid Poster - SilverToys for Tots
07-25-2022, 05:16 PM (This post was last modified: 08-01-2022, 12:21 AM by Joe. Edited 4 times in total.)

Character Name: Kaizoku "Kai" (kaizoku: corsair)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance: This dude

Personality: Kai is the picture perfect definition of extrovert. A blend of Sparrow's bravado and not Hanako's charm, this scalawag was blessed with a silver tongue and a penchant for finding (and trying to get out of) trouble. He lives for adventure and the pursuit of a good time, and he thrives with all eyes on him. To be ignored is a huge disrespect, and if he isn't in the center of attention, the lad's hunger for being in the spotlight will lead him to act out in more ostentatious and grandiose ways to ensure everyone is looking at him. As the son of the pirate king, Kai takes his family's pirate legacy very seriously. He wants nothing more than to live life by his own beat with a disregard for the rules, and though he'll be mostly obedient for his alpha mother, he won't miss the opportunity to follow the whims and wishes of his own heart, damned be whatever rules he has to skirt or break. At the end of the day, Kai's not a bad kid—he just doesn't like being told no and wants to see what he can get away with.

As he gets older, Kai will begin to develop a hedonistic taste for the baser pleasures in life, similar to his mother's own vices. Drugs, alcohol, raiding, racing, wagers, women... the more he can get his paws on, the longer the party goes! Growing up, he'll idolize Sparrow's lifestyle and swashbuckler tendencies, eventually growing into wanting to be a leader as well. This may lead him to want to captain his own crew, either within the pack as a specialized team or as a rebel band affiliated with the pirates. Whether he achieves his lofty goals or falls on his face on the climb up remains to be seen as he walks his path. But is he heading for greatness, or is he taking a long walk off a short plank?

Purchases: Dire Height Pass if needed to go big, plus tons of gems for anything else

Potential plots, plans, etc.:
- Adventure, ho! See all the places, fight all the things, meet all the people! Don't stop me now!
- He'll probably try to form a special puppy strike team when he gets old enough to learn about raiding with his littermates and other pack pups, wanting to do what his mother does but with hilariously bad results. Think less Blackbeard and more Jack Sparrow hijinks.
- Perhaps a potential kidnapping? Maybe he ticks off a pissed off pack or band that aren't too favorable with the pirates? I'm verr curious to see how Sparrow would take one of her kids being waylaid.
- General rambunctious puppy behavior, keep mom and the pack on their toes. Maybe he'll try to find a way into the rum stash... -shifty eyes-
- Likely a lot of flirting and girl trouble in his adolescence. He likes checking out pretty girls and I expect it'll land him in hurt feelings quite a lot. Maybe his drink his girl problems away with mom while lamenting that love sucks

I write sins not tragedies

I respond best to DMs on Discord or in the Ardent channel!

Come play with my lovelies!