
down the road



4 Years
10-10-2013, 05:04 AM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 06:27 AM by Satis.)

Each time Satis engaged her body and mind in a spar, she had come out on top. Her confidence was realistically high, however the girl had never been known to brew upon an enlarged ego; as her albino sibling stated her terms she would nod simply, although it wasn?t a promise, she would do her best to contain herself. Nobody wanted serious injuries before the war regardless. Impra would be quick to act, throwing her body towards her sister with a heavy lumbering motion. She certainly had the weight to succeed. Shoulder would threaten to collide with the girls form, Satis knowing well and truly her weight was no match against her sisters, however she would take advantage of the albino?s lack of manoeuvrability regardless.

Satis would launch her body simultaneously towards her opponent, making no efforts to do any more than attempt to equalize the force of her oncoming sister; to slam right shoulder to Impra?s own and unite the pair with a tapered force. However Satis would still find herself slightly tossed to the side, balance quickly equalizing as she attempted to fight the gargantuan with tactic as opposed to strength. Impra?s jaws would then be sent towards right elbow, the marked lady quickly calculating an attempted counter as she would strive to toss her body weight along with Impra?s target, elbow pointed into the girls jaws; to use the sharpness of the bone and force to shock her sibling with both pain, discomfort and unsuspecting alarm.

Moments later the Satis would strive to sieze yet another tender opportunity; Impra?s lower position beneath her encouraging orifice to take a quickly calculated attack to the scruff, to rapidly attempt to clasp gaping jaws over the loose flesh of the nape in a brittle attempt to gain control. Meanwhile her defences would still stand; weight equal and limbs squared until her elbow thrust, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, abdomen tense, chest ever-so-slightly lowered to the earth beneath her, chin tucked, shoulders rolled, toes splayed, nails gripping, muscles rigid, spine aligned, tail tucked.

Satis vs. Impra - Round 1 of 3! For training.

Defenses: all listed in last paragraph.

Attacks: Satis recognizes Impra's attempt to throw her weight at her right shoulder (it was unspecified which Impra uses), Satis hoping to throw the weight of her right shoulder also to cause the pair to collide on slightly more equal force. Satis is slightly thrown off balance and quickly regathers herself. Impra will aim to bite at her opponents elbow, and Satis will attempt to jerk her weight towards her once again, right elbow pointed, as she would thrust towards her jaws to cause shock and pain. With Impra having presented herself lower, Satis will then aim to grasp at her scruff with her jaws, to hold and potentially gain control/disable.

Injuries: Bruising to right shoulder, potential bruising and skin-grazing over the right elbow.

Notes: I will PM you some tips Kat! <3

ooc; edited because my first post was a WIP.