
Another Morning in the New Cave



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-26-2022, 12:38 AM
The warm light slowly began its path into the canyon. The sunlight coming later in the day due to the depth of the location. In a den placed amongst the many caves in the canyon wall. Upon entering the cave one might notice the large number of the sand colored stones. Speckling the den as if a small pathway leading to a small circle of the sand colored stones. It was quite clear whoever inhabited this den had been picking the sandy stones and placing them into his den. The way they imprinted into the ground meant they had been walk over multiple times. However at the very end a small pile of stones filled with seaweed and other forms of green or soft dirt he could find were piled together within the stones to make a small comfortable bed. Upon said bed laid a wolf, his sandy fur matching the stones that scattered the room he was in. Well, one might assume he was sand colored with the fact he slept with his stomach towards the inner wall of the cave.

A simple yet audible, grumble was heard as they slowly came to from the darkness that was sleep. Vashou's tail flicking against the dirt as they started to roll to their stomach a scratching noise became audible before a small weasel would slowly scrabble his way to stand atop of the wolf as Vashou stood up and arched their back inward to stretch. Yawning loudly to the empty caverns before starting his day. He slowly made his walk to the stream. Leaning forward and starting to drink keeping an open eye for food or danger as he did so. The weasel scurrying his way to stand beneath the wolf as he also drank. The shadow beneath him making his brown and white spots seem more like speckled stone.