
Fading Waterfalls




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Advanced Hunter (105)

4 Years
07-26-2022, 02:41 AM
Lotus agrees with her statement about hunger and a chuckle bubbles out of Terra’s mouth, a spark of happiness hidden within its depths. As she stands, the earthen girl suggesting what each of them can do, the boy’s words have her shooting him a lopsided grin as he waves a paw at her, telling her to yell if she needs anything. As she turns away, the fear of abandonment that she has been hiding behind a thin veil of confidence, bursts forward, wrapping its sharp claws around her brain and freezing her mid-stride. She spins to him, terror brimming in her emerald eyes, memories making her suddenly doubt this newly forged friendship.

Terra’s breath hitches in her chest and Lotus closes the short distance between them, long legs wrapping around her shorter frame. For a moment, her body stiffens uncertain of how to react but then the profound realization slams into her that this is real, that he is real and not some figment of her lonely imagination. He speaks and the dam breaks, the earthen girl pushing her head deep into his chest to inhale his scent. It is the two of them against the world. He will not leave her. She stays there, breathing deeply to steady her nerves, memorize his scent, and will the tears to stop falling.

The embrace feels wonderful and Terra is half tempted never to leave these safe arms again. Ah, but there are things that need to be done. Unwinding her legs from his form (when had she done that?) the earthen girl steps back, taking a deep breath and setting her shoulders in a show of determination. A firm dip of her head is given as she says, “You and me. You and me.” A smile wobbly crosses her lips but the tears have dried. Another dip of head and Terra says, “Okay, I’ll find the sharp object. Don’t have too much fun without me.” The smile grows in strength until it is bright and filled with hope.

Muscle twitch as she readies to turn and move away but her eyes lingering on the tall boy a moment longer. Without a word, Terra moves forward again, pressing herself into the boy’s chest and whispering, “You and me. You and me” That is her mantra now, a promise of happier times to come and a reason to keep moving forward. Breaking away, she offers him a smile before slinking away to find the required object.

"Terra Qilaq"

Lotus is allowed in any of Terra's threads, regardless of tag