
Who we are




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-26-2022, 08:33 AM

Mercury greeted him with similar pleasantness. Beauregard was glad that they seemed to get along thus far; it would stink to be in a pack with someone you couldn’t see eye to eye with. It seemed that, thus far, everyone he’d met that was going to be in Menagerie would be easy to talk to. He gave a nod as the slightly older wolf hoped that his morning had been as well. It had, but they weren’t there to talk bout their mornings, were they? No, Merc got right down to business, asking the yearling how much fighting he’d done before now.

“A fair chunk, though I wouldn’t say I’m anywhere near master level yet.” Beauregard responded honestly. “I’ve fought Wren when I first got here and lost… but later I fought a… unique wolf and won against him. I also fought against Wren again and she conceded, though I think she was just being nice.” He didn’t betray Tanelan by mentioning his or Mika’s name. While he wanted to be honest, he didn’t want to hurt the other.

“I also helped in bringing down a bear and fighting a walrus, though it wasn’t just me versus an opponent in those fights.” Beauregard flicked an ear thoughtfully. “If I’m being honest… I’m not really sure how to tackle an armed opponent. I know I have my own weapon, but countering someone else with one isn’t something I’ve put into practice… I’m also not really sure how to handle battle-ready companions. I have Trill, my Blue Jay, but she helps me with analyzing my opponent during a fight and warning me of sudden movements and stuff when they’re in my blindspot… but it’s not quite the same thing.”

"Speech," 'Thought.'