
[SF] Work it harder, make it better, do it faster…




2 Years

07-26-2022, 10:03 AM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2022, 09:39 PM by Ciannait. Edited 1 time in total.)
Unbreakable Survivor

After speaking with her race partner, Lucette and Ciannait had wandered away from the gathering. They hadn’t wandered too far, and the earthen youth could still hear the chatting of those who had remained at the festival’s center. That salmon and roe breakfast had been a great start to the day, their flavors still lingering on her tongue. With her stomach no longer eating itself, Cian followed the smaller yearling.

The golden maned youth was thankful for the matched up she had been assigned. Her opponent was young, about the same age as herself, which made the playing field more equal. Dark and light limbs moved casually along the riverside, following the smaller youth as she led them to a good spot. Cian took this opportunity to look at Lucette’s build. Though small of stature, she had quite the slender legs, her figure built to run. This intrigued Ciannait. She had thought of runners as tall and slender, not short and overall small. Though being small could offer its own advantages, such as sneaking under the underbrush, fallen trees and other obstacles. Lips curled upwards, turquoise optics sparkling with the challenge of such a flexible opponent. This would be fun.

The moment the rust painted youth turned towards her, Cian knew that this was where they would begin their race. Aqua lenses glance around the area, making notes of the terrain and where obstacles and clear stretches were. The girl wished her swift paws and the yearling grinned, tail which seemingly glimmered like the sunrise began a small back and forth movement. The girl then introduced herself as Lucette, as the pairings had mentioned. Ciannait smiled and nodded, ”May yours be carried by the wind,” Cian replied ”My name is Ciannait, though I think I already mentioned that at the festival’s gathering,” the yearling stated, head tilting to the side ever so slightly before returning to a more natural position.

Dark crown nodded her agreement, and the youth stretched her limbs, rolled her shoulders and neck. She tested the ground with her claws, Cian’s digits gripping the earth. The yearling then glanced at her rival a grin following shortly after ”On the count of three,” Ciannait states, ”One” the youth begins the countdown, ”Two,” She continues, slender figure getting into position. Head lowering even with her spine, limbs shifting to get a better launch, tail held steady behind her. ”… Three!” Cian announces the final count, and pushes forward with a powerful shove of her long, slender limbs. The race had begun.

OOC || Ciannait vs Lucette for Race
Round 0/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Skills: Novice Hunter & Intermediate Navigator
