
Discount Pirate Pups!



07-26-2022, 03:09 PM (This post was last modified: 07-30-2022, 11:55 PM by halfawyrm. Edited 2 times in total.)
tentatively finished, might revisit this and flesh it out some more
Name of Pup; Hestia
Name Meaning; Greek goddess of hearth and home
Gender; Fem

Appearance; Either design 19 or 24, height 34" and medium build
Dunno if writing a full appearance desc is mandatory, but I'm thinking of another masc leaning/adrogynous build. She'll take after her father more than her mother

Skills; Intellect/healing
Practical, empathetic, scrupulous, moral

Raised in a difficult household, Hestia will find comfort in medicine and tea-making. It's just her thing, bringing clarity of mind and providing much needed services to her pack and her family. Meadowsweet for sunburns, chamomile tea for insomnia. It's all so easy, every problem was designed with a solution, almost as if the world was created with intent. Hestia does not believe in a god, but she does believe in the power of things developing in unity. Everything's connected.

Her avenue into the greater world will be people, those around her and those beyond. She's a listener, she will seek to understand. Ever curious in an ever changing environment, she is eager to dive into the deep end. The wolves around her are capable of oh so much, she strives to see them experience their best self, so that maybe she can find hers. She holds (most) of her family in high regard, regardless of what may trouble them. She will seek to exorcise them of this demon, to understand the mind better than anyone, and to cure its ailments like no one has attempted before. Besides, all of Ardent is in dire need of a therapist.

Raised on the knowledge of the body, she understands early on that their are positives and negatives. There will be nothing that is universally beneficial, especially not to multiple wolves, and nothing completely negative. However, with understanding these rules, she feels that there is always a best route to take, a right answer. They are sometimes difficult, but she will pursue what she views as correct relentlessly. This may include removing those who bring harm.
Plans are to become the best wolf therapist ever for all of the fucked up plots! If Eden's and Ignis' relationship gets too bad, she mightt resort to slipping something in Ignis' tea.