
Breaking Bad

Manea ♡



Master Healer (240)

Expert Intellectual (190)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

7 Years

Pride - Bisexual
07-27-2022, 02:29 AM

Wrapped up in Manea's strong, possessive embrace, pulled tight to her taut, gorgeous body, Irilyth had never felt more comfortable in her entire life than she did in this moment. Every sound, every little gesture, every action of affection made her pulse race in her veins, her heart palpitating like a samba as she grappled with this whirlwind of physical passion and emotional catharsis with her Mistress. The sandy gold fae remained with her face buried in Manea's chest fluff until the alphess' large leonine paw came up to catch her by her cheek, turning her head up until she was staring into those aqua eyes that had her hypnotized. The sensations of Manea's other paw sliding down her lower back to scoop her in a possessive hold, their bodies pressed so tight together that not an inch of skin wasn't touching, their fur coats blended seamlessly between themselves, and her tail brushing over her hip to entwine with her own and hold her in every conceivable way sent Iri's emotions into a flurry. It was romantic and erotic and sensational and incredible all at the same time! It made her simultaneously want to continue to explore this sapphic love with Manea until they were both fully spent as well as snuggle up in this protective cocoon of her lover's arms and just lay here forever. She had never felt this incredible or cared for in all her life, and it was almost enough to make the woman cry tears of joy.

Manea spoke to her in smooth, velvet tones, telling her she should never be afraid to tell her anything, and that she wanted to know all the things Irilyth kept inside herself. Her hopes, her dreams, her thoughts, her aspirations, her secrets... Manea wanted all of her. But before Irilyth could even think of responding, she found Manea's mouth coming back down to claim hers, drawing quiet, needy murmurs from the petite woman as their muzzles met yet again in a deeply passionate kiss. She could taste the love Manea held for her pouring forth in her actions, tiny golden paws clinging to Manea's violet fur as if for dear life. She squirmed in her lover's hold, wriggling her body eagerly up against Manea's larger form until she was nice and snug up against her, yielding easily to every insistent maneuver Manea made with her lips and tongue. Slowly she felt herself begin to sink into the depths of that passion and desire once more, letting it cascade over her like ocean waves sending her beneath the surface to drown in her wanton needs. Manea had always been possessive of her, especially when it came to her extramarital bedroom antics with the little handmaiden, but this was different. Everything felt amplified, no doubt from the drug she'd given Manea allowing the alphess to be as liberal as she wanted to be with no inhibitions to hold her back. Irilyth found she quite liked this Manea; she was wild, primal, her absolute most base self, a true reflection of who she was and what she wanted, and she was breathtakingly beautiful.

When their kiss broke apart once again, leaving Irilyth gasping for breath, the dainty fae slowly flicked open her eyes so raspberry jewels could gaze up at Manea, her head reflexively tilting to lean into her playful paw while it toyed with an ear. Manea's words confused Iri at first. She wanted more for her? What more could she want for her? Already serving Manea had been the greatest pleasure and honor she'd had in life. What more was there for her to attain? As if reading her mind, Manea continued on to elucidate on her enigmatic words. She didn't want Irilyth to be her handmaiden anymore—she wanted her to be Elysium's lead healer and to work alongside her instead of for her. Manea's sweet words brought a flush of heat and color to Irilyth's pale cheeks, pointed ears folding back to her head in bashful humility. The idea of being something beyond someone's servant or handmaid felt... intimidating. Undeserved. All she'd ever known was using her body and obedience in order to survive in a world she couldn't otherwise. Never did she ever consider more than her station. Yet that was exactly what Manea wanted for her. The violet queen saw something in her that she could not. Had her tail not been wrapped up in Manea's, it would have been wagging like crazy.

Irilyth's mouth opened and closed a few times while she struggled to put a sentence together that accurately explained how she felt. Golden paws pulled gently at the fur on Manea's chest, kneading at the powerful muscles in her breast just to have something to be doing while she grappled with her own self doubts. "Manea..." It still felt odd to speak her name on her tongue, but gods, did it feel good! "T-This is all very, very kind of you. But... perhaps it's more prudent to wait until the drugs in your system have worn off before you go making such decisions? I... I wouldn't want you to feel like you've made a mistake because of any impaired judgment." It wasn't that Irilyth did not appreciate Manea's confidence in her; quite the contrary, she was concerned Manea might have been making these bold choices in her as a part of the effects of the drugs. The last thing she wanted for either of them was the awkwardness of a sober Manea changing her mind or risking getting her hopes up by dreaming beyond her means. That was Irilyth, after all—trying to be sagacious as ever.
