
Not Exactly "Glamping"




Expert Fighter (230)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years
Dire wolf
07-27-2022, 05:01 AM
The princess Kiyohime didn’t have to be embarrassed about the natural reaction to her very first kiss. Remus was patient, and while he did tease her he knew when to give her reprieve. Like when her face went very red after he gave her an innocent peck on the cheek. Ike hadn’t lied when she told him that she felt like a better version of herself when he was at her side, and it was true. The girl was just glad that Remus could be so patient and gentle with her. She tried to emulate her mother’s cool demeanor and project that into the world, but she was so far from her mother’s level of skill and confidence it just came off as stuffy. She still hadn’t rid herself of her clumsy feet, as was obvious when she greeted him with a fall earlier.

The two of them easily fell into pace together as Ike led him back to Ashen. There was a fluttering thrill in her belly that she couldn’t quite put her paw on or describe but it was both pleasant and nerve wracking. Remus made her heart flutter and her toes tingle, and if she didn’t ignore it better she’d fall on her face again. She knew she was excited about this, and the infinite possibilities began to make her a little nervous. The most important part was getting Remus home.

Remus answer was generic, but he left room for her to make decision and was sweet enough to let her know he had no real preference as long as he was with her. He brought a huge grin to her face with those simple words, mostly because she was amused at how easily she forgot how long it had been since he was in a pack. "You could just take a fighting rank for now,” Ike offered as they neared Ashen’s borders. Quite surprised at herself for not tripping up somewhere between the camp and home. "You can help patrol, and train the younger wolves, and if you want go on hunting trips with me.” She offered innocently as her dual toned eyes shifted to his features as she slowed at Ashen’s border.

"Kiyohime Shuriken Ōritsu Abraxas"