

Tamsyn, Kane


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
07-27-2022, 11:37 AM
Tamsyn shifted her worried gaze up to Kane as he spoke while doing his initial examinations of her daughter. She valued his calm demeanor in these situations so very much and his assurances that while she did have a lot of wounds there were not any that were very severe did help her relax slightly with a shaky sigh. She nodded with understanding as he mentioned how he didn't have the materials here to fully patch her up, but he could at least get her to a point where they could get her home. She knew what he meant by 'home' without having to explain. Even though they now traveled all across Auster and made their den wherever they liked, the Hallows was what she still considered home and where they would be able to get Asheila the help she needed. Tamsyn drew from his calm, steady nature as he told her what he needed and instructed her on what to do in the meantime. She nodded again and simply replied, "I will," before he rushed off in search of the yarrow he needed.

By now she had managed to get the ropes from around Ash's neck and had tossed them aside. "You're going to be okay, sweetie," she said softly as she gently smoothed the fur on Asheila's forehead and cheeks, unsure of whether Ash would be able to hear her or not, but feeling like she should be saying something as she tried to bring her back to consciousness. She settled down on her stomach beside her, lightly stroking over her ears and anywhere on her neck that she didn't see wounds, hoping maybe the gentle affections would help as well. "I've missed you so much, my girl," she continued, trying to keep her worry at bay while Kane was off finding the herbs he needed. "Your siblings are going to be so excited to have you home. You just need to wake up so we can take you to them. Come on, Ash, let me see those pretty blue eyes of yours."

Just about then she got her wish and Ash's eyes started to flutter open and Tamsyn breathed a heavy, relieved sigh, a bright smile pulling across her lips. A little part of her had been worried that she wouldn't be able to get her to wake up and that she would be trapped in sleep the way Rudyard had been when he was injured by that bear, but that wasn't the case here. "Yes! I'm right here, Ash, I'm right here," she said as Asheila's gaze focused in on her face and she questioned if it was her. Her paw took Ash's as it reached for her and she gave her white-dipped paw a gentle squeeze as she tipped her head forward to press a kiss to Ash's cheek. "I'm here, darling. I'm with you. You're going to be okay. We're going to patch you up and get you home, I promise." She glanced up then, looking to see if Kane had found what he needed yet and still keeping an eye out for any danger just in case who or whatever did this to her was still around.

Tamsyn Carpathius of the Valley