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Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-27-2022, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 07-27-2022, 08:13 PM by Vashou. Edited 1 time in total.)
The twilight hours brought a deeper red to their coat as they had been trailing the deers scent. Relying on their hunting instinct, which although still quite novice still had some value. The dawn light giving his eyes enough light to see through the otherwise heavy forest. Which was meant by both the fact it was a very heavy number of trees and the fact that the trees themselves would be quite heavy the wood hard to move due to weight. Vashou's ears folded down as he slowly approached his paws dug softly in the grass with each step barely leaving a trace. The paws working soundlessly to avoid drawing any attention. Vashou stood several tree's away behind a large brush crouched and ready to charge as they leaned around the side.

However, their posture and pose made it quite obvious he was an inexperienced hunter. Their tail raised and Vashou's arched form facing an awkward angle. They was more likely to ram into a tree then catch the deer if they wasn't careful. However, soon Vashou felt the others gaze and looked over to see the grey wolf standing ready to strike as well.

Vashou was always happy to share if others helped and given their experience Vashou would probably need all the help they can get. Upon his head the lesser weasel sat on his back to avoid causing issues from the hunt. Their tri colored tail flicking around as he waited upon the older wolf. Remembering something from when they was younger.

An old saying, "Always let the older wolfs take to the front and follow behind. Nothing is worse then an adolescent or inexperienced wolf jumping forward and ruining the hunt. " they pondered if that was a personal grudge or personal experience. Their serious expression changing to a curious one before shaking his head and returning to the situation at hand. They gave a light nod to the grey wolf acknowledging their presence.