
Who we are




Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
07-27-2022, 08:51 PM

Beauregard felt happy. It seemed Mercury was approving of what he had down so far, and that was a relief to the youth. He wanted to be an asset to the pack, not a hindrance, and hearing the other male say he’d be good on the border earned a nod from Beau. “No beast is going to hurt anyone in our pack.” He didn’t speak with overconfidence, but he did speak with certainty. He wouldn’t give up just because the fight was challenging. He had sworn to protect those in the pack and he would, no matter what. He knew getting cocky could be dangerous, but Beauregard wasn’t the type for that. He could be happy with his achievements, proud for a bit even, but he never let it go to his head.

He was happy to have Merc as a teacher too. It seemed their respect for each other was on mutual ground. The darker-furred male even brought a “solution” to one of his weaknesses, gesturing toward two silver foxes. The yearling glanced at them, noticing how they watched him cautiously. It wouldn’t be something he could master in one spar, but it would be a start to see how they were directed and how he could try to manage them. He didn’t back down from the idea of a spar either, giving a small nod.

“Sounds like a plan to me. I’ll give Trill a call.” He tilted his head back and howled for his Blue Jay companion, certain she’d be there before long. Then he glanced back to the foxes, dipping his head to the two. “It’s nice to meet you both. My name is Beauregard. Here’s to a good spar!”

A call from the skies above told Beau that Trill hadn’t been far at all and that she was above him now. He knew he could count on the jay to keep an eye on things for him. She hadn’t let him down yet, after all!

"Speech," 'Thought.'