
Just You and Me



The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
07-28-2022, 01:07 AM

Life had all but returned to normal around the Hallows and for the wolves that made up the pack. Even Syanna had begun to slowly rebuild her fractured self back into a semblance of the wolf she used to be prior to her assault. It had been a long, painful road to recovery, but finally she was beginning to feel like she could feel alive again, some of the guilt of what she'd had to do for herself and Ezra seeping away from her soul the more she reflected on it. That guilt would forever be present until the day she and Ezra decided they wanted to try for a family, but until then, she couldn't keep torturing herself with the "what if"s. It wasn't fair to her and it wasn't fair to Ezra who had been nothing but caring and supportive of her through this whole messy ordeal. She owed it to him to try to get back on her feet and keep moving forward, not let herself be stuck in the past. What was done was done, and she needed to live in the present. Ezra deserved at least that from her. He brought out the best parts of her, amplified them, and made her feel worthwhile. He was the reason she was still alive today, and the only future she wanted to have. That realization brought on another unexpected and frightening realization to the vulpine-like woman—she had completely fallen for Ezra.

That was why when Ezra told her he wanted to take her adventuring across Auster one day out of the blue, Syanna hadn't hesitated to say yes. Ezra had been more than a bit shocked, butt happy all the same, and after some preparations the two were off. They headed south to a little creek just south of where the Hallows harvested all their grapes for their wines. The place was right on the edge of a forest, cutting through some of the trees and the fertile grassy plains. The edges of the mellifluous stream were lined with dense walls of cattails, creating a pseudo barrier between the two sides. The area was tranquil and beautiful. Following Ezra's lead, the smaller vixen-like fae walked beside her boyfriend towards a copse of birch trees, settling down to cool off in the shade after their long walk in the sun. Though the weather wasn't as hot as summer had been, Auster was always pretty temperate and warm. She was just glad the rains had held off for them!

While Ezra got a drink, Syanna relaxed and reclined into the soft grasses beneath the shady canopies of the trees. She watched her boyfriend for a long while, admiring how handsome he was, still reveling in how lucky she'd gotten to find him—or well, for him to find her, she supposed. A little smirk rested on her lips while she looked him over, verdant eyes lingering on some of her favorite parts of him. He had been so good to her... "Thank you for bringing me out here, Ezra," she called out to him after a moment. "I, um... I wanted to tell you something while we're out here." Syanna fidgeted with the grass beneath her paws, pulling out a couple longer blades and curling them around her toes while she spoke, an uncharacteristic nervous tick to the usually confident fae. "I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate all you've done for me these past couple of months. I know it hasn't been easy for you, and I know I haven't made it easy either, so... thank you... for not giving up on me." She turned a little smile up his way, still playing with the grass as she gathered up the courage to say what she really wanted to say. "I'm not going to let what happened stop me from being me and being with you, because if you're gonna stick yourself with me, you deserve me at my best..." Here we go, now or never, Syanna... "...and because I..." Say it! "...I love you."

"Syanna & Ezra"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.