
Discount Pirate Pups!



07-28-2022, 01:11 AM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2022, 01:38 AM by Silencien. Edited 2 times in total.)
Name of Pup; Blautr, Lodinn
Name Meaning; (Wet fur)
Gender; Female

Appearance; Her pale gaze is rather clear from her 25 meters in height. She doesn't stand at the tallest height actually quite small. Her body is medium size and she'd almost be on par with a fox with how her body and colors spread out. The stripes under her eyes leading out to a cross over her face. The black fur spreading over her muzzle neck and hind paws. Her body split between two reddish browns of two shades cover the rest of her body. Silver coats both her forepaws before black and both shades of reddish brown cover her tail leading to the white tip.
Skills; Navigation and Intelligence
Personality; Blautr can be overly curious she will put her nose in everything and everyone's business. Finding herself curious about things she should likely just leave alone. She is not evil, however, she believes good and bad are perspective based so she does what she feels is good. She's the type to challenge any idea if she doesn't think it is right. She loves learning new things and even being proven wrong will get her excited at the right times. She finds the journey for knowledge more important than whether or not she is right. She understands she will likely be wrong and thats why she always seeks the right information. She has a deep passion for knowledge. However, at times you may not run into Blautr and instead you might run into Lodinn. Lodinn, is quite the opposite and prefers to keep to herself. Staying away from others and studying information in a secluded location growling at anyone who tries to approach she is far less friendly then her counterpart mentality. Preferring to move about on her own rather then keep others nearby.

Any plans, hopes, dreams? To know of all the lands and actively travel between them. She doesn't care about power or control and all she wants is to learn of the new lands. Her desire for knowledge guides her forward.