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"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
07-28-2022, 01:27 AM (This post was last modified: 07-28-2022, 02:33 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 6 times in total.)
OOC NAME; Beau-tifullyWritten
Name of Pup; Rivin
Name Meaning; Flame
Gender; Female



45” {Dire Height}
Red Markings {Open Character Pass}
Extra Pup Pass {Gems}
Deer Horns Mutation {Inheritance Pass}

Rivin is a behemoth of a female wolf who stands forty-five inches tall. Being of dire height it almost feels natural that she has a heavier build and a foreboding look at almost all times. Rivin is cursed with a ‘resting bitch face’ which, coupled with her sharper features, does not make her look like someone you want to just pad up to willy-nilly. She has long yet muscular legs and a slender muzzle as other distinguishable features. Rivin has rich, expressive, bright green eyes and deep black flesh. Her claws are off-white and her fur generally appears a bit unkempt. She bears an earthy scent that can sometimes be highlighted by different flowers she has collected.

Before getting to Rivin’s coat and markings, however, one needs to take a look at the mutation that she has inherited from her father, Ignis. Starting out as mere nubbins on her head as a newborn this she-wolf will grow her antlers within her first year. The deer-like antlers will be a soft brown color, marked with dabs of darker brown and white within them. While not overly impressive in size, they are an aid to her offense when battling. Each antler has five tines giving her a total of ten across them both.

At a glance, you can see that Rivin’s base coloration comes from her mother, Eden. Black fur with a darker black over-coat covers the base of her design. Her cheeks, along with edging along the two shades of black between her chest, belly, and the underside of her tail, are a deep, smokey gray. White runs from between her eyes to cup her muzzle, rims the back of her forelegs and cups her forepaws, goes up to ‘sock’ length for her back legs and caps her tail. Finally, the hints of Ignis being her father come from her brindle-esc marks across her neck, sides, back, and tail in dual shades of red. A thick dual-toned red marking covers the top of her eyes as well to highlight them and really make them stick out.

Skills; Hunting, Healing


Mental Conditions::
Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder

A younger Rivin, while still willing to play and have fun, will develop a serious nature early on due to having a bit of an old soul and being a bit wiser than her age lets on. She will see that everything in life has a purpose beyond merely doing it, and, from there, see what needs to be worked on and honed. Playtime will not merely be about having fun but seeing which among her siblings is the strongest. That’s not to say Rivin won’t or can’t have fun - because she will - but that’s where considering the bigger picture will come in for her. Because of this Riven will always strive to put in her best, even when things aren’t a competition, so that she can be satisfied with herself at the end of the day. More importantly than her broader look on life is her outlook on her family.

One may say that Rivin is a little obsessive when it comes to her kin. Protective, sure, but she also looks at them in much higher regard than others. While she won’t understand why her father won’t let her mother leave she won’t question the why - she likes her family together. It is not uncommon to often see Rivin around her kin whether for simple conversation or to develop her skills. In short, she just wants to spend as much time with them as possible and favors doing so with them over strangers or even pack members. She is fiercely loyal to her family and her pack and would do anything for them, especially being a daddy’s girl. That said she is likely to develop a rivalry with one of her siblings due to her aggressive behavior and smart-ass comments.

While she would not attack a member maliciously, Rivin has the capability of going too far. She is built for power, and sometimes she loses check of herself. To try and curb this as she ages Rivin will participate in raids and spars with strangers when not working on her other skills or hanging out with family. She will have a natural curiosity for not only healing herbs but poisons and procreation herbs as well. She will likely delve into learning to make alcohol as an adult as well, though not likely to partake as it smells bad to her. She will also become more ambitious as she ages, becoming one to not always work on her skills and work on climbing to master level with both of them but to advance her place in the pack as well. She won’t be above a rank challenge either; she won’t settle for less.

Like her father, however, there is a deeper, darker part of Rivin that as a youth will be locked away.


Known by certain kin as the Praetor Demon this alter is not one that anyone will want to be around. Around her first year, the demon will start to gnaw through the ropes that bind it and begin to claw away at Rivin’s mind. For the most part, the presence of the demon will be seen in bouts of aggression that Rivin will attempt to use to her advantage in raids or fights. By then, however, Caedes has already taken root in her mind and will begin to speak to the girl from within.

Caedes manifests itself as a female within Rivin, bearing a seductive, sultry voice. She is more prone to slipping into Rivin’s mind when the female is under a great amount of emotional stress; particularly when she allows her anger to get beyond control. Caedes takes advantage of this, and the cold, almost distant voice will begin to whisper words of darkness and evil into the girl’s heart. She will be persuasive, and insistent, trying to get Rivin to do things that normally she wouldn’t be willing to do. Things she wouldn’t push the boundary of… but when Caedes surfaces completely all chips are down.

Rivin gets shuffled away from her own body, like a back-seat driver within her own mind. Sometimes able to watch Caedes act but never able to stop it, she is a powerless voice within herself, barely a whisper. As Caedes grows more powerful and dominant Rivin won’t remember anything from what happens when Caedes is out. It’s like she’s in a deep, deep sleep, locked away within herself and unable to wake no matter who tries to reach her.

Caedes is violent, cold, and beyond aggressive. The alter seeks bloodshed, to hurt and maim not just with fangs and claws but words as well. Caedes is merciless, willing to even kill others when she is loose without much of a reason or care. She is maniacal and cruel; you’re hurting? Too bad so sad, that sucks to be you. It will be clear when Caedes takes control of Riven as her host, her whole demeanor and even posture changing. Unfortunately the chances of Rivin regaining control of her mind before something happens, or before Caedes is through with whatever action she deems “reasonable” are slim to none.


General Goals::

Because I’m super original -sarcasm- I of course am going to work on skill threads. Everyone likes skill threads, right? Plus I’m going to want to participate in any and all raids that I can because let's face it; IC drama is fun. In general, though, I want to work on a character with these personality quirks and use them to work more on my writing in general.

Why Rivin?

Well, I want to start with building these conditions early on. I want to learn about them as characters and as a writer. I have had a bestie with dissociative identity disorder and while I’m not the most knowledgeable about it I feel this may help me write the character a bit. Plus, if I’m being honest, the psychological workings of a character are fascinating and the need to consider even more carefully how a character responds and why sounds like a fun challenge! In short, I want a character I can break the mold with and grow with.

Family Goals::

I want Rivin to be close with all members of her family. As a youth, she might not understand the concept behind Eden’s captivity. As she ages, she may or may not necessarily agree with it depending on how IC threads go. That said, regardless of how her opinion is swayed, she will not fight for Eden’s freedom. This is because of her desire to keep her family together and that selfish need will outweigh what may be considered morally right. She will not be above the idea of force claiming others, either, for the sake of the pirates. It is currently unknown whether or not Rivin herself would ever consider being a slaver. This is something I would like to develop and work out IC as she ages.

I would like Rivin to particularly take interest in Ignis and her siblings because of this. Not that she wouldn’t thread with Eden, because she would and will if chosen. But I feel like her morals and mannerism will primarily be molded by her father more than her mother.  I want all the family threads though, skill or otherwise. Gimme, Beau is greedy. I would also ideally like her to have a sibling rivalry, preferably friendly, with one of her siblings, where they challenge each other and grow as a result. While “friendly” I’m not against if the player’s sibling agrees for them to be rough or even at some point maim each other because “scars are cool”. I do want to stress that I want them to remain on good terms, however. I plan for Rivin to be incredibly family oriented, if not obsessively so, so having a sibling hate her and vice versa without just IC development is not wanted at all. Ideally not at all, but we all know how IC can go.

Pirate Goals::

Unlike most of my current characters, or rather, all of them, I want Rivin to be ambitious. I want her to participate in Pirates for not only raids but general threads. I want her to work her little furry butt off so she can advance in rank. I want her to aspire for more, like a never-ending hunger, and shoot to be bigger, stronger, and better! Hey, I had to play a character who craved some sort of power eventually, right?

Skill Goals and Specialties::

Cooperative {Hunting}, Anatomist {Healing}

The first specialty I plan for Rivin to go for is their anatomist specialty. While they are skilled in hunting and healing, due to being a pirate who is likely to go on raids, I chose specialties that would benefit her in an IC manner.  With her being a child of Ignis, I picture her learning to hit where it hurts somewhat early in life {aka whenever Ignis decides the pups are old enough to learn about fighting and or maims}. This is loosely said as “early” because I’d imagine by their first year, but I could be wrong and don’t want to assume, that the pups would learn about fighting. Either way, I plan for this to be an IC discovery due with the primary intent to be used for raids and defending other Pirates.

The second specialty I plan Rivin to go for as a double master is their cooperative specialty. This is because while I plan for Rivin to have dissociative identity disorder and show signs of schizophrenia like her father, she does have a loyalty to her family and her pack. Like Ignis I picture her channeling these into aggressive energy and trying to use them to her advantage though, for obvious reasons, this will not always work favorably. Please see above for further information about Rivin’s personality and whatnot.