
Never want to let you go



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years
07-28-2022, 05:02 AM
Akhlut didn’t realize the shift in the atmosphere within Habari as she was far too young to comprehend. However, she did know that her mother was almost always somber in juxtaposition to her siblings. The other young pups of her litter didn’t have trouble smiling or wagging their tails. Mother however always seemed sad when she looked at them. Despite the sorrow that couldn’t quite be shaken, Akh was never left wanting for her mother’s attention. Recluse was always there when she needed love, especially when she scraped her knee or things got a little too rough when tussling with her siblings.

Equally she could count on her father to be there for her, the princess was raised without a care or need in the world. Blissfully unaware of the strife she was born into. It was a testament to Recluse and Eraithus' parenting that her innocence would not be corrupted by such tragedy. Her sleep was deep and relatively undisturbed when the family began to stir. Akh took a bit longer to rouse from her slumber, but with Enki holding her against their mother’s belly it was hard to not sleep well.

Her big brother rolled away from her after an encouraging lick to the back of her head. She would have put up more of a fuss about him slobbering all over her if she was more awake. Akh’s little pink tongue rolled out of her mouth as she yawned big and stretched herself as the family started to rouse from their slumber. She heard her mother and father begin to speak about the greatest adventure. They were finally going beyond the den.

Excitement brought her to silence as anticipation filled her heart. Akh made her way to her pretty pink paws, keeping herself at Enki’s side as he encouraged her up a second time. He had enough words for both of them, and taking after her mother’s somber quietness. As her tiny paws crossed the threshold with Enki she heard their father’s voice behind them. He was stern and serious, making sure they knew this was their only warning to stay close. Something told her she didn’t want to disobey.

With her side pressed against her brother’s marbled fur she looked back towards Recluse for reassurance before following him out under the soft sky above. It was all so big and new, she was stunned into silence as she took in just how big outside was. No wonder they weren’t allowed to go far, she knew she would get lost if she wasn’t careful.