
i need you so much closer



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-28-2022, 08:55 AM
Usagi had vowed to stay with Kunai, especially during the man’s illness, in one den. He felt a bit unsure about it at first, having been used to being in a den with his brother most of his life. It was a new feeling, to now shift into sharing a den with someone whom he had..certain feelings for. Feelings the man sttempted to hide under averted gazes and flushed cheeks. But it was undeniable, the love he felt for Kunai. It was its own beast, not ugly, just large and waiting to be acknowledged. He had yet to utter the words ‘I love you’, because every time he tried his tongue felt twisted up and suddenly he found it hard to spit out a single letter. So, he tried his best to show his affections in actions, since he was mkre adept at that. Thus, his first loving gesture was slipping out at the crack of dawn from Kunai’s sleeping form, careful not to disturb him. He figured the man would be hungry once he rose, so the Hohei went to get some breakfast.

Most of the pack’s food was fish and other sea life, seeing as their territory lay on a bay. Though not a fan of fishing, he waded into the crisp waters and caught two fat fish, one flr each of them - he wouldn’t even mind giving Kunai the rest of his fish if he was still hungry. After all, the chimera koi was still recovering his strength. He needed the nutrients and rest. He had to admit, the fishing process and swimming in the water also helped strengthen his own ankle, which was much less painful and was virtually back to normal. Managing to grab both fish in his maw, the flop-eared wolf made a beeline back to the den. Much to his surprise, Kunai was awake.

"Oh, Kunai, you’re awake," Usagi said, having placed his catch on the ground in front of him. Taking one fish and leaving the bigger one for his - erm, boyfriend? Partner? A friend that was more than a friend but not quite something else? Was it even official? They hadn’t said anything about it yet to each other, except that the feelings they had for each other hung in the air as obvious as a thick fog. It was difficult to ignore. Clearing his throat, ignoring the flush emerging in his face, Usagi gently nudged the fish towards his recovering friend. "You’ve been asleep for a while. How are you feeling? I caught some fish for us. You need to eat." The words almost ran into each other, tumbling even through the normal monotony and flatness of his voice. Typical Usagi. Overly concerned for those he cared for, yet his actions were a bit more refined than his words. He sat next to him, hoping the man would eat something. A minute later, Usagi’s akita arrived, gently placing a large bowl of water as well. Hydration was important, too.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—