
Where Do Your Demons Hide?


10-10-2013, 11:15 AM

He had known what the cost of his returning home was, rather, he had found out. A sigh drifted from parted lips and had also led him to spend more time out on his own...alone. He wanted to make sure that, upon his return, he was ready for the things that were coming. Eyes fell across the expanse that was Valhalla and a small smile dared to encumber his features. He was mildly glad to be home, but he had to admit. it was bitter sweet. He needed to take the news to all of the Valhallans. It didn't take long for him to, conveniently, hear the call of another. It was familiar. Chrysanthe's brother? They slightly crazy one..yeah what was his name? The boy couldn't recall, but regardless, Valhalla was once partially his and he made his way into the land and towards the gathering. there was a collective group together, and they seemed to have a few spars going on their own. Eyes trailed lightlly across each of them and he made sure that when he came in Chrysanthe's back was to him.. He had been released, and though he came to tell her terrible news, he wanted her to have a moment of happiness. Even if it was fleeting.

The man sighed and moved forward, decorating himself in a more pleasant look. Even though this was the beginning of war he wanted to get things set up for a time of rejoicing. It had been a minute since he had experienced anything other than wry gusto. Glaciem would perish. That much he believed. Though, when would its time come? Valhalla was old...but was it tired? Time would certainly tell. The titan rolled his shoulders and moved forward to place his skull against chrysanthe's right hip, "Would you fancy a spar with me?"