
Not Exactly "Glamping"




Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-28-2022, 05:41 PM

Remus was glad that his answer seemed to be satisfactory at the very least even if it wasn't very specific. He gave a nod of agreement as Ike offered for him to be in a fighting rank for now and listed off some of the duties that went along with that. Patrolling and training seemed easy enough and when she mentioned the possibility of taking hunting trips with her he grinned and turned his gaze toward her again, their gazes catching and making a little flutter kick up in his stomach again. It still amused him a little that she had gotten him so head over heels for her without even really trying. Something about her just snagged his attention and wouldn't let it go. He wondered if this was how his father had felt about their mother or how Romulus felt about his girlfriend. "That sounds like a plan," he said with a grin, his tail wagging gently behind him.

Right about then they ended up at the pack's border and he slowed to a stop with her, looking out over the forest of pale, thin trees ahead of them. He had heard about Ashen in bits and pieces from Ike, though they hadn't really discussed it at length in any of their times together. He had mostly avoided asking her about the pack since it seemed to be a source of stress for her, but he hoped that maybe his being here could help make her day to day life here a little more enjoyable. He gave himself a quick shake to smooth out his fur and make himself a little more presentable. He wasn't sure why he was so nervous to meet her mother, but he chalked it up to just wanting to make a good first impression. He looked to Ike again with a nod. He was ready if she was.

"Remus Armada"