
“Lava Rocks” but sung to the tune of Thunderstruck




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
07-28-2022, 11:16 PM

Misery scowled when he heard of the raid.  He could fight to a degree but his time learning to fight was slim.  Misery would normally have others fight for him but an attack on their home was another matter.  The black and silver wolf might not care for most of his pack mates but it was just wrong to let others show up in his home and injure them.

The mountain was a perfect setup for Misery to fight on at least.  This was their turf and one they knew better than the pirates.  The mountain was deceptive with what could hide around the next bit of rock.  The small wolf’s black and silver coat blended in well here and where most wolves seemed to prefer charging at their prey Misery took his time.

He stalked quietly along the mountain path, doing his best to remain unseen while he watched to see if he even needed to enter the fray.  Unfortunately, it appeared he would need to be.  A glance at his mother and Sparrow had the small wolf curious.  Mom was clearly not enraged at their land being raided nor seemed too worried.  That was interesting.  Other fights certainly seemed to have more extreme emotions mixed in and more dangerous tactics.

Regardless, mom did lose and Misery would play his part in whatever this riad was truly about.  There was plenty of chaos going on and Sparrow surely had her focus on Recluse.  There was no way to remain unseen by everyone but since most were focused on their battles he simply worked to remain unnoticed by Sparrow.

Misery would rush forward, hoping to remain unseen until the last moment.  He’d bite for a back leg, with intent to not hang on long but to gain a bit of distance.  Misery preferred looking for chances at cheap shots and avoiding battles of strength in which he’d most likely lose.  Better to fight smart.  Misery wore no armor, nor had any pets following him.  It would only make it harder to hide.

Misery vs Sparrow for Dominance
Round 1/2
Age:  over 1 year
Size: Small
Build: Light
Skills: Intermediate Fighter & Expert Intellectual
