
The silence is deafening


10-10-2013, 12:16 PM

THE GOLDEN NYMPHETTE WAS NEVER TOO FOND OF THE QUEEN , she was fickle and untrustworthy, but Canttina had sworn her love to the fabled ruler and they paired together as Amenti's Empress and Lady. The air was sour and stagnant, but lacking the effluvia of blood. Her head was lowered, hackles raised as a livid growl began to bubble in the cavity of her throat.

Karmen approached the trio and sided along Canttina, letting the honey coloured hairs on her body brush against the larger frame of her Empress, her gaze finding the golden eyes of her beloved partner."I warned you, Canttina." Her voice was hushed, laced with disappointment as she narrowed her eyes. She should have never settled down, never got so involved with a wolf who was only good for her sex. She had fallen in love carelessly, and now her folly decisions had inflicted the entire pack. But her spiteful feelings would not be directed towards Canttina, oh no, she aim and pull the trigger at the fiend who dared to say that loved Canttina is return. Ozz.

"Impussiant tramp," she hissed, venom spewing from her lips as her ears flattened against the back of her skull. "You choose to leave us when our allies call for war? Your loyalty has proven to be as damaged as your mentality. Your demon is nothing more than a handicap reflection of your meek insecurities." She raised her head, rolling back her shoulders and replacing the anger on her face with arrogant pride. A nasty sneer touched her features as she looked at the duo-toned male who stood beside Ozz. "You will not just leave, and you will not be taking another with you." The undertones of her threat would not go unnoticed, her gaze seeking the hideous pet Ozz dragged in. If it would come down to a fight, Karmen would easily destroy the waste of space that dared to claim Ozz as his own and make heed with her and Avalon. That was a joke.