
i need you so much closer



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-29-2022, 05:44 PM
Kunai was still attempting to process all that Usagi told him, and the Hohei sat patiently - and worriedly as well - as the chimera rubbed his head. Three days was an awful long time, but he hadn’t minded it at all. Contrary to Kunai’s fears of being a burden, caring for his friend was the least he could do. The flop-eared koi didn’t have many friends growing up, basically secluded to just him and Kunai and Kuroo as his friends. He was isolated and ostracized for his appearance, mocked for his name - a great deal different than Kunai’s situation, but it was the reason, among many he couldn’t explain, that he felt more than content to care for his ailing friend. Usagi recalled the nights he curled into Kunai’s sleeping form, hoping he was warm enough. Trying to dribble water into his mouth when he was still unconscious, in an attempt to keep him hydrated. Constantly flitting back to the den he’d set up for them in between his duties and spars, making sure Kunai was still comfortable. But the thought of him being a burden? Not once crossed his mind. It was his duty, and honor to do so. And of course..being next to Kunai on those cold nights reminded him of how they played and ran around under the stars back home, free and wild. He remembered looking up at the stars those three nights, too, hoping they’d get a chance to view the night skies together again.

So when Kunai apologized for being a burden, Usagi frowned, shaking his head. "You never burdened me, Kunai. You’re my friend and I was worried about you. I stayed by your side those nights so you weren’t cold, because I wanted to." He volunteered to care for his friend, and for him there was no honor higher. Once Usagi had explained they were in Tōjō-kai territory, Kunai seemed a mixture of confused yet also excited. They wanted him to stay? Of course the Hohei did, more than anything. The man had vouched for Kunai when they reached the maze, and Hattori accepted them, knowing his friend was in danger of dying. Perhaps at some point, once he was recovered, he’d need to explain more of his backstory to the Kaicho - but for now, he needed to rest.

Do you want me to stay? He asked as well, and Usagi glanced down at his more-than-friend-but-not-really-officially-a-boyfriend, and his heart almost shattered as he noticed the tears welling up in his tired eyes. Oh, Kunai. His expression loosened, his shoulders slumped. Kunai staying with him was the best thing that could happen to him, along with Kuroo being with him, too. His childhood was playing back again, the good parts anyways. He wanted those days again. So depserately clinging onto the memories they had before. Usagi replied after some silence, "Of course I want you to stay, Kunai. It would be amazing to have you here. We can spar together once you’re well - or you can hunt with Kuroo down at the bay - we can do anything you’d like to do, really. This pack could use another warrior, or hunter, or whatever else you’d like to be." He paused, considering burying back the next words but they tumbled out anyways, "I’d..really like having you here. I hope that doesn’t sound too selfish." He felt the flush return to his cheeks - but he didn’t fight it. He loved him. He wanted him to stay. In the end, it was Kunai’s choice - nobody would force him to remain. But knowing the male’s history back in Iga, he had a feeling he’d like this home away from home. A home more welcoming than the one he’d left behind. And he had Usagi here, too. Perhaps it was selfish of the Hohei to feel that way, but he had to stop denying the fact that he loved him. So, so much. He couldn’t bear to lose him again.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—