
These are the words that will take us home

Bellamy, Wren



Master Fighter (290)

Master Intellectual (254)

An icon representing the specialty Berserker Berserker

9 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipScarredVengeanceCritical Observation!1K
Christmas 2019Trick 2019
07-30-2022, 03:03 AM

The woman wasn’t worried anymore.

Bellamy walked alongside Gavroche, his leather bag around her neck, with her green gaze focused on what was ahead of her. There would be no looking back, no more room for doubts as they made they drew closer to the Gorge’s borders and prepared to meet with Wren. She had no clue what Sirius would make of them, or if he’d even let them into his pack, but Bellamy was hopeful, just as Gavroche was, that this was their chance at a new start. They were getting older and running out of chances to do so… but it was about time they managed to do just that. After everything they had been through, they deserved a chance at happiness. They deserved to feel the safety and comradery of a pack. But if they didn’t find it in the Armada so be it. Bellamy would not fight should they be turned away, but she would set her gaze elsewhere if she needed to.

Some battles, she had learned, are worth standing down for.

Her companions, Ears and Whiskers, lead the way for their little party. Goodness, they were a sight, she imagined. An extra-large and a tiny wolf, the little one with wings, and four companions that ranged from battle-ready to being small enough to rest on your paw comfortably. But, strange or not, this was her family… and she would fight anyone and everything to keep them safe. It pained her to know that Lucette had decided to stay behind after all, but she understood her daughter’s desire for freedom. Parent or not how could she take that from Lucy when her little one seemed so happy with Bae-Syl? She was sure she saw something more blooming between the two as well, though it was only a hunch so far. But she half expected her little girl to become a woman once she reached two years of age.

Gavroche spoke and Bellamy turned her attention to him before giving him a nod. “You’re right. I can smell them too.” Her expression was thoughtful. Wren had mentioned that soon she would become the alpha of a pack of her own. Perhaps if things soured for some reason at the Armada she would request entry into Wren’s pack. It might be strange if that was the case, being the ally of someone who turned you away, but she felt that if Sirius did turn them away there would be a good reason for it. They were still young enough to have more children, after all, and Bellamy would be lying if she said she didn’t want to shoot for another litter with her mate. It could very well be a conflict of interest merely in the size of the pack and that was no reason to be mad at someone for turning you away. You had to consider the safety of established members first.

She slowed to a stop as Gavroche did, focusing on him once more. This was it, where they’d call for Wren and see what their fate was. Her own gaze softened, but there was confidence within her green orbs. She tilted her head back a heartbeat after Gav, their songs mingling together in a call for the alpha-to-be of this land. Nothing would sway them from this path.

"Speech" 'Thought.'

Bellamy has two companions - a Tasmanian devil and an American badger. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.