
Just throw it back, for one more night



Beginner Fighter (0)

Intermediate Healer (30)

6 Years
07-30-2022, 03:33 AM

Northern Boreas.

Florian hadn’t expected that he would see these lands again, not after he, Gargoyle, Faolan, and Ngurulivu had left the lands. They had been so happy, the four of them sticking together through thick and things outside the lands. But in the end, Flo realized, they had been naive. Blindly accepting someone into their circle, allowing them to get close… Nuru had told him time and time again that any kind-hearted wolf would have fallen for the same trap they had. It didn’t make the outcome of that so-called “friendship” any easier to deal with, however. Florian still recalled it, and when he hadn’t dampened how he interacted with others, he made it a point to not forget that betrayal.

One moment they were laughing, enjoying themselves, and the next they were fighting for their freedom… and their lives…

Florian’s ears slid downward as he thought about it.

He’d been grateful, that though he was the smallest of his siblings he had been taught how to hold his own in a fight. There had been a bit more of the enemy than there had of them, multiple wolves after his brothers and sister. They had fought hard, but in the end, Faolan went down, gravely injured. Florian knew in hindsight, that though he tried to stop Faolan’s bleeding that by the time they had chased off their would-be captors there was no saving their brother. He had tried, frantically tried to stop the bleeding, to do something but he just hadn’t been able to.

…and poor Gargoyle.

He knew his other brother had seen Faolan get overwhelmed, and saw him go down. He had to wonder if Garg blamed himself for Faolan’s loss… not that there had been much he could have done with wolves attacking him as well.

Florian shook the thoughts from his mind, his gaze turning skyward.

He had thought to visit the cove, the place his parents had fondly spoken of, but alas it seemed that a pack had moved in. At that discovery he had shifted his path, making for the pines the pack he had been born in once called theirs.

Did the spirits of his parents still haunt this place, he wondered? And what of Claire? She had remained behind when the rest of them set out. She… didn’t even know about Faolan’s death. Flo heaved a soft sigh. They needed to find her, to let her know… it was why they had decided to make their way to Boreas. He only hoped Gargoyle would actually follow them. He had stayed behind after Faolan had fallen, wishing to bury him despite the potential dangers. He and Nguruvilu had understood, letting him do just that. It didn’t mean that they didn’t miss him, however.

Grasses free of snow shifted underpaw as Florian moved into a patch of the pines. His ears perked forward, his eyes betraying the look of loneliness he currently felt. Nuru had said she needed some time and had given him a rendezvous point here, at the pines, in a few days from that morning. But without either sibling by his side, Flo felt… strange. It was odd flying solo for a change, but something he was sure wouldn’t necessarily get bad to get used to. They were adults after all. They would have to start living their own lives eventually, right?

Not that he’d ever stray too far. His family was everything to him.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t use a friend or two.

And with the night sky stretched above him, the world quiet, Florian had never wished to have a friend more.

"Talk, 'Think.'