
to dance is to live

[ open spar ]


07-30-2022, 04:06 AM

Collected, calm…

Those are the words that best described the woman as she took some of the first steps back into Boreas. She had gone her separate ways from Florian, giving him a meeting point, and promised within a couple of days she would come to meet with him once more. Her brother, while the smallest of their family, was no longer a baby even if she tended to baby him. To the monochrome woman, her family was her everything. Without them, there was no light, and though they had lost a sibling due to the cold, cruel hands of fate, Ngurulivu remained strong. It would have been what Faolan had wanted of not only herself but the rest of their siblings as well.

In due time they would hunt for Clair, but, for now, she found it important that they familiarize themselves with Boreas and those within it once more. Her aim was to meet with the different wolves and socialize, but for a greater purpose than simply mingling as her brother so liked to do. While Florian was intent on the interaction, Nuru was intent on what she would learn from them. Whether sharpening her skills or simply gaining a useful piece of information the woman would not falter. She drew in a breath, ears perking forward as she stared at the borders of the battlefield.

Was it strange, she wondered, to desire to fight after losing Faolan in battle? No, she scolded herself a moment later. It wasn’t strange at all… but rather the right thing to do, really. If she was to continue to survive and be strong for her siblings, then she needed to sharpen her skills. Gargoyle was a strong beast in battle in his own right, and for a wolf who primarily dabbled in healing her brother did alright for himself. Nguruvilu had always promised herself she’d never settle for anything less than her best anyway.

A call from within the battlefield rang out across the land and Nuru’s head lifted slightly in response. A wolf requesting a sparing partner, how ironic… and perfect. Nguruvilu set off with purpose, well-muscled legs carrying her forth. She knew not the sort of wolf to expect when she decided to answer the call, but Nuru would not stand down from a friendly challenge.

Before long, the source of the howl became clear. The woman was pretty, marked in the pattern of the koi fish she’d seen once. She also had a raccoon dog at her side, a bit of an odd choice in companion to her, but then again her mother had had her a bird after all. Maybe it didn’t matter what beast came to your aid, so long as they were loyal. Her blue eyes swept over the woman again, taking note of her frame and smaller size. She looked even smaller than Florian. Not that size was necessarily the determining factor of a fight.

“You want a sparing partner, you have one.” She flicked her gaze back to the woman. “Ngurulivu Ancora-Desrosiers. Show me what you’re made of.” She widened her stance as she spoke and distributed her weight across her limbs before digging her claws into the earth. She had never fought a wolf with a companion before, so this would be a challenge, but one that she welcomed.

Ears fell flat, eyes narrowed, and Nuru’s fur raised to give a buffer against bites before she had decided that was good enough in the manner of defenses. She flung herself headlong at her opponent, seeming to desire a head-on slam as was fairly common for larger wolves taking on smaller opponents. But Nuru had a plan, and it wasn’t a direct frontal assault.

She shifted her positioning, rotating her ankles ever so slightly so that she started to move off to her left as she sought to close the distance. Her narrowed gaze never left her selected target, the koi woman’s right shoulder. Once she felt the gap between them was shrunk enough Ngurulivu parted her jaws and suddenly shifted her weight to her right side. Leading with her own right shoulder she sought to slam the point into the bit of flesh between her opponent’s right shoulder and neck. Furthermore, she sought to swing her head around, keeping it lower, to snap at the woman’s side. While she didn’t want to hurt her opponent heavily she aimed to cause minor lacerations with her fangs to her opponent’s upper belly should she manage to slam into the other successfully.

It was time to see what this pretty lady and her companion could do.

"Talk, 'Think.'

Nguruvilu vs Sayuri for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 Year
Size: Extra large
Build: Heavy
Skills: Beginner Fighter & Beginner Hunter