
Zee and Sirius Fatalis FINAL LITTER

Cursed Litter puppies!


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
07-30-2022, 06:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-26-2022, 12:16 AM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 16 times in total.)

Out-of-Character Name: Beau-tifullyWritten

Character's Name: Charlton "Charlie" Fatalis

Adult Height: 45"

Size: Dire Wolf

Gender: Male

Build: Heavy

Appearance Description:

Charlton, or Charlie as he prefers, is a stong-looking wolf just at a glance. With dire wolf sizing, he stands at a total of forty-five inches tall and is one of the tallest of his kind. As if that is not enough thick, powerful muscle ripples under his coat, as well as a barrel-shaped chest, giving the male a bit of a powerhouse-esc appearance. Was it not for some of the softer features of his face Charlie might have looked intimidating. His muzzle is broad and his ears are more rounded. His fur tends to be fluffier in places, particularly his cheeks, rough, and tail. His flesh is black in color while his eyes are wider and bright, shining with cyan blue.

But that is not the end of this male's distinguishable features. Like his parents, Charlie has inherited a mutation, specifically from his father. Starting as slightly larger than average fangs his canines will grow over time, becoming bigger, stronger, and healthy saber fangs. These fangs will reach down past his chin in typical fashion for saber fangs and start off a pristine white color that will grow a bit more creamy with age.

[In the case of a themed disability] Unlike his parents or siblings, however, Charlie will have crystals growing from the most peculiar of places; where his eyes should be. Devoid of sight, considering he doesn't have actual eyes, the blue-green crystals will rise from where his eyes should be. At their tallest point, the crystals will be roughly two inches tall and will definitely give him a bit of an unsettling appearance.

When it comes to his fur coloration however Charlie's base color is a natural light brown color. A medium brown overlays much of his coat, running from his nose up along his head and back before dipping on his forelegs and sliding back down his back legs and tail. A deeper brown still runs over that same mark from the nose, capping most of his head, ears, and capes along his back. The color also fades along his front limbs near the shoulders, back legs near the ankle, and caps the end of his tail. His jaw is a creamy off-white color that reaches up onto his cheeks, travels down his neck and chest, races across his underbelly reaches under his tail, as well as touches the insides of his back legs, and reaches down the back of his forelegs to cup his paws and reaches from the back of his ankles down to cap his back paws. He also has off-white striping on his shoulder and on his rump as well as the Fatlais eye marking over his left eye and caps his ears. Finally, a smokey green snips across his nose, tips his ears, blankets thinly across his back, touches his toes, and tips his tail.


Charlie is a male who values the laws and customs that protect not only himself but the whole of the pack. He is mindful of these laws and is one to bring up a particular rule or law when he is uncertain about a choice. He is respectful, particularly of his parents and all positions of power. That said, however, you’re either the base, regular members of the pack, the ones that have some sort of power over those in their rank, or the alpha, and each has their own varying levels of respect when it comes to them. While not one to talk down another pack member, he is mindful of what those in authority have to say and will generally stand by their decision.

He is, however, capable of making his own judgments of others that may clash with the mindsets of others. Charlie is not a hateful male, and doesn’t like discriminating against others for what they do or do not have or their personality… at least to a fault. Charlie will never be okay with highly dark wolves, nor would he condone extreme acts of violence or force. That said, he is not above fighting and going for a maim if he feels he comes into contact with a wolf deserving of such action. This is an action he takes lightly either, being a rather thoughtful wolf and one who looks before he leaps, so to speak.

Analytic in nature Charlie tends to lean on the perceptive side. He looks over data carefully and considers the thought of an action before doing things. He can be insightful too, the sort of good, listening ear that will offer advice at the end. He is loyal to his family and pack above all us, a reliable member that you can count on being there when it really counts. He is honest too, though he doesn’t stress if he feels it necessary to tell a lie. He tends to be flexible as well, one that can change the direction he’s going on the fly as needed. He hungers for knowledge as well, even dabbling a little in arts that are not his own. His heart belongs to wandering, however, and seeing the world, though he always knows where home is and makes a point to return frequently should he be needed or missed.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Skills: Navigation and Intellect

Mutations: Saber Fangs

Themed Mutation or Disability: I would appreciate a chance to be chosen for it!

Disability: Don't Mind

[Crystalized Eyes Disability]
Making Charlie completely blind, blue-green crystals would be growing where his eyes would be. They would protrude about two inches from the socket at their tallest height.

Intended plots / other:

[Personal Note / Reassurance]

While I enjoy romance plots as much as the next person, I can reassure you both that overly mature rated threads of sexual nature will not be written. I can also ensure that should this character would not be a rapist, nor condone the acts of rape or incest. While I won't lie and say there isn't a chance that I may start looking for romance plots once they reach a year it will be roleplayed as puppy love; there will be no teenager mating threads period. I myself am also uncomfortable with these topics so rest assured such things would not be in my threads. I'm also with Lunar on the idea that if anyone rapes his siblings that Charlie would go feral and react strongly. While I don't want him to be a maim-happy individual, I do expect him to react with anger in extreme cases of transgressions against his siblings.


Family threads galore. I want Charlie to interact with all his siblings, expressing acceptance of their walks of life [with the exception of if they do something extreme that would make them go from disappointing or unsavory to a target of the family]. This will be especially true if Charlie happens to roll a disability. For the most part, I want Charlie to just be active, as I'd hope for any of my characters. I'd be leaning towards getting him skilled up before age two, as mentioned in the skill section, but regular activity threads and just getting him out there to experience life would be important to me.

[Skill Related]

As with all of my other characters, one of my side goals with each character is to get them to master at least one of their skills. For Charlie, I would be prioritizing him becoming a double master, preferably before age two, as a personal challenge for myself.

Navigation - A roamer, a land seeker, perhaps even a map maker himself, Charlie would be wanting to push boundaries and explore as much as possible from a young age. That said, Charlie will respect the boundaries put on him by his parents, and instead of trying to break that rule and go further, I want him to become an expert on neighboring lands and his home turf. As he grows a sense of wonder for the wider world around him will entice him to go further as his folks allow, and a creative side will lead her to document what he finds. I would like for him to go for the Daredevil specialty in this skill.

Intellect - A social butterfly with a purpose, I'd love for Charlie to get a boost in this regard through his intellect skill. Charlie will start with his packmates and especially his family. I'd love for him to get some points for getting to know a pack member part of intellect skill claims! Because I want him to be a valuable fighter, just without a fighting skill, I am leaning towards the tactian specialty for this skill. It'd also make sense for his fighting style, being more a smart fighter, rather than one who prefers brute forcing his way past opponents.

[Companions and Accessories]

For fun, since I know that companions and accessories are not a necessary addition to any application, I figured why not? If anything, it gives me a little reminder of what I would want to get him later on. Only listing companions as the cosmetic accessory, however, as I'm still uncertain about battle ones.

Small Companion - A great gray shrike to aid in perception. Female with natural coloration. 12" wingspan.

Large Companion - A male fisher to aid in fighting. Maale with normal coloration. 24" long.

Small Aesthetic Accessory - Two jay feathers braided with strong twine to be worn around his right ear.

[[Don't mind me. -Sweatdrops-]]