
Zee and Sirius Fatalis FINAL LITTER

Cursed Litter puppies!



5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-30-2022, 08:20 PM (This post was last modified: 08-25-2022, 11:35 PM by Kunai. Edited 16 times in total.)
im sorry i have to table this. its too hard for me to read it when im on my computer and cant zoom in :( I'm also reordering the app a bit, to keep the paragraphs together and the basic stuff up top.

finally finished

Out-of-Character Name: skelle
Character's Name: Killian "Killjoy" Tempest Fatalis (hover each for meanings)
Adult Height: 17" ─ runt
Size: Extra Small
Gender: Male
Build: Light
Alignment: Neutral as a puppy; I will have to see how things go to know for sure which direction he'll go! Probably somewhere between chaotic good and chaotic neutral!
Skills: Probably nav and fighting so Zee can helicopter teach him everything she knows
Disability: yes!!!

Themed Disability: note ─ I am open to changing my disability, especially if either of you have a good idea, since I know Sea's pup will have a similar disability but entirely blind instead. This was honestly just the first thing I thought of and I am most certainly open to something else for drama and diversity!!
His right eye that is hidden under the bangs is missing, and at first everything looks alright. However, very soon after he is weaned, Killian will quickly experience pain (at first confused for phantom pain) centered within the socket. Raw Black Labradorite will erupt from the socket rapidly at an early age, quickly filling the once-empty crevice with larger chucks of the gemstone. Around the eye, smaller pieces of the gemstone freckle across his cheek bone and even slightly above the eye socket as well. He suffers from incapacitating migraines, especially around that eye area, and often spends his time in the dark. I may also be interested him experiencing seizures due to the crystals growing (probably for his whole life, if thats allowed, in the form of 'freckles' and slowly filling the socket and maybe shorten his life a few years), though I will want to do a lot more research before promising any kind of permanent problem and not just something he will deal with once or twice! Unfortunately, that kind of research will get me too invested in the character so I would like to wait until decision day before writing it into his character somehow, sorry!
Mutations: I will be using my pup pass thing with two free mutations to get elongated hair (in the form of emo bangs covering his right eye) and sabers, and also using one of my inheritance passes on zee's crystalline fur. If I don't get the disability, then I may drop the bangs and switch it for something useful in fights but the little emo kid bangs has me pretty sold tbh xD
Description: Killian is born a dark, charcoal gray puppy that might kinda look blue if you tilt him the right way? Strange. One thing is obvious though, his single cobalt eye and the empty socket where the right one was supposed to be. Actually, that’s two things, but to throw in a surprise third, the boy is absolutely tiny. Able to fit in the paw of his father at birth, Killian doesn’t really show many positive signs at first. His size makes it hard for him to combat his larger siblings for food, but even suckling seems to be a challenge at first. There's no argument that the littlest of the Zeerius boys (i think?) will need personalized care and not just at first it would seem, either.

As he grows, his bloodline will become a bit more obvious in his markings however he resembles something more like a stick than any man in his family before him. Whether it’s just because he’s the runt, the problems associated with his less than stellar health, both, or something else entirely is a mystery, however the nausea that comes with his migraines is probably the biggest culprit. While his coat isn’t of poor quality, it isn’t full of luster, or a healthy one anyway. He resembles his father most in coloration, primarily almost black with hints of a lighter, not quite white, gray on the bridge of his nose, toes of his forepaws, backs of his heels to his rear paws, the tip of his tail, and some mottling along the small of his back and waist. His muzzle, throat, lower limbs, ears, nape, shoulders, a belt around his waist, and the top of his tail all darken to black, blending seamlessly. Under only his left eye, as if a constant reminder of his shortcomings, white trickles down in his cheekbone more like running makeup after a long night of ugly crying than the trademark slash-across-the-entire-eye made so famous by none other than his father.

In a lot of ways, Killian resembles his mother and that isn’t including his smaller size and frame than what is typical for Fatalis men. He will always look more like a lanky teen than an adult, his softer, gentler facial structure aiding in looking youthful throughout his life despite the scowl or rbf he frequently has. But it isn’t his body, it’s that strange blue color again! He inherited his mothers crystalline fur, his own a deep dark sapphire that is almost impossible to see without the proper lighting. Splashes of blue compliment his face, limbs, and the general area of his nape, shoulders, and rib cage although it isn’t just for show. Like guard hairs, the hairs that are encased in a sapphire-hued crystal give him a bit of an extra layer of protection against his bullys fangs.

To add insult to injury, even his sabers are smaller than what would be proportionally correct based on his siblings and father. Barely sticking out from underneath his upper lip, the tip of his fangs just reach his chin as an adult. Half an eye marking wasn’t enough, now he only had half-size sabers, too! The world granted him one favor at least, and that favor is bangs. Even if he can’t effectively hide behind him, not for a lack of trying anyway, at least he has something to hide his biggest fault behind; the raw black labradorite erupting from his missing eye's socket and freckling across his cheek.

Personality: To say that Killian feels like the ‘Killjoy’ he was so aptly nicknamed is an understatement. He isn’t a particularly healthy child as if it wasn’t already obvious, requiring much more care than the average pup. This unfortunately has separated him from his siblings, quite literally even. Although he doesn’t think very highly of himself either, he looks up to both his older siblings and littermates regardless of their opinion of him. He doesn’t go out of his way to spend any more time than necessary with them however, as he was both ostracized as well as a natural loner, but see’s even his fully blind sister in a better light than himself.

Killian isn’t friendly, but he isn’t unfriendly either even if it may come off that way. Really, he’s just a broody as hell and it definitely isn’t just a phase, mom! As he often has some sort of headache or migraine, it’s very easy for him to fall into the habit of scowling and settling into some sort of bad attitude though he seldom means what he says. Deep down, Killian is a very sweet boy but the world hasn’t shown him many favors in life so he tends to take the worst of his moods out on others when he’s had enough.

Hiding his pain behind his bangs sarcasm is its own medicine for the smaller boy. While he might not have the size and strength of the Fatalis men, he was at least gifted with his mother’s smart mouth, though it could be argued that it's from the amount of time they spend together. Despite his general disdain for his mothers obsessive care, he frankly wouldn’t know what to do without it. Rendered useless by the worst of his migraines, there wouldn’t be a Killian today without her borderline obsessive helicopter parenting. Killian simply couldn’t, and probably wouldn’t, care for himself all things considered.

There isn’t a bone in the boy's body that’s itching for a fight, but that doesn’t mean he won’t protect himself. It takes a lot of pushing to press his buttons, but he will bite if threatened and can’t escape the situation otherwise. Although he was taught to fight, mostly just to defend himself if anything, he would much prefer sharp words to fangs. Unfortunately, it’s often those words that earn him the fangs in response.

Intended plots / other: I'd love to play the runt, a tiny little thing with near constant headaches so is also near constantly doted on by zee bc he can't run from her love and affection. I'd love for one of his litter mates to bully him secretly or not so secretly xD asdf. I think eventually he would like to find himself in the watcher rank, though I could see him trying for the diplomat rank one day maybe? He won't have very much confidence growing up so I don't want to speak too much of a possible adult life without playing him for a while and seeing how it goes!

* while I would much rather play him with the crystal disability, should he not be chosen for the it I will probably still make him with chronic headaches/migraines and/or a single blind (or going blind!) eye (that way zee can still helicopter xD) and will edit the profile as necessary should the time come
please DM all tags to skelle#0666
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