
Getting Bearings



07-30-2022, 11:36 PM
Griffith had to admit it was gorgeous here, not that his own kingdom wasn't beautiful... No it would always be the most gorgeous land he would ever see and his heart squeezed for all he'd left behind... All he'd never have again- But back home the natural world felt more... Purposeful, restrained, carefully kept patches of grass lining roads and designed gardens adorning the castle walls... Here nature was raw, untamed and that had it's own sort of beauty. That thought was drifting through his mind when the snapping of a twig caught his attention, an ear swiveling towards the noise a moment before he turned massive maned head to look upon-

A wolf? Though not like any he'd ever seen before, she was brighter than any wolf he'd ever spotted before. He had little personal experience with the canine species, they were a rare enough sight in the kingdom, usually only showing on diplomatic missions and even then rarely. It took a moment longer to register the look of fear on the smaller predator, and the rounding of her abdomen. Oh! A look of realization lit up Griffith's face and he lowered himself slightly, making himself smaller, less threatening. "I'm sorry I did not mean to frighten you." Gods he hoped they spoke the same language here... He wasn't exactly convinced that all the language lessons he's napped through would serve him well if not.

- | movement | speech  -

code by Cloudy