
Show Me The Future



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
10-10-2013, 02:47 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2013, 02:54 PM by Epiphron.)

It was far from surprising that Syrinx would come eventually. Epiphron had heard rumor that Eos had given birth to their children; and though she loved her brother with all her heart and soul, despite everything ... the presence of Eos always left her feeling unsettled. Something was off about her sister, and while she did not fully despise her, she was content with hardly knowing the woman at all. And so when his call rang out across her rightfully-owned territory, her first thought was of how badly she hoped Eos was not with him. There was little hesitation as her ears perked upright, and her attention shifted toward the border.

The walk was short, and a slightly smug smile enveloped her features as the russet form of her only brother by blood came into view. Finally her physique had returned to normal -- she was now fully grow, and her once distended abdomen had shrunk and had returned to normal following nursing. A beauty, if there ever was one ... but no Adravendi child would be anything less. And she hadn't been concerned about her own children, since the Mathias line seemed to create equally as beautiful wolves. Her tail curled proudly above her back as she padded forth, moving to greet her brother with an embrace that did not withhold affection. Only her family -- her siblings, her children, her husband, and her adopted family -- ever received such open and warrantless affection.

This was so different than the last time he had seen her with Maverick. Surely he would arrive soon. Here, Syrinx had no grounds to threaten her husband, and she would not let him. But the thought was amusing in retrospect, though it had been anything but at the time. A delicate laugh fell from her lips, and she pulled back to fully examine him. "About time," she commented conversationally, though they had much to catch up on. She'd also heard rumor that Eos had briefly held the throne to Glaciem, but certainly did not now...